Can Cysts Grow Again Even After Surgery


Medical Video: Shreveport's Double Cyst Ganglion Cyst Busted!

In order not to infect more or even develop into cancer, the cyst will be removed through surgery.However, many people still feel anxious and worry about the possibility of cysts growing again after surgery. Is this possible?

Cysts grow again after surgery, is it possible?

A cyst is a bag or lump filled with fluid, air, and other semi-solid substances. Benign cysts that are small in size usuallydoes not cause severe health problems, it can even disappear by itself. Only when the cyst enlarges and is at risk of infection, doctors recommend to remove it.

The procedure for removing cysts is usually done by draining and drying the contents of the cyst.This procedure can reduce the pain arising from cysts, but does not guarantee 100 percent that you will be completely cured and free of cysts.Because the dried cyst tissue can be filled with fluid again. One in four cases of removal of ganglion cysts, for example, can grow back afterwards.

According to Dr. Dyah Irawati, SpOG, a specialist from Brawijaya Women and Children Hospital, chocolate cysts or endometriosis cysts has a high recurrence rate. That is why the cyst can still grow again even after surgery or surgery.

Cysts grow again can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle after surgery

The surgical procedure for removing the cyst only functions to remove the cyst mass, not complete the root. The risk of cysts growing again can be affected by the condition that the remaining cyst cells are still classified as active, making it easy to re-infect the body.

Well, this can beaggravated if your lifestyle is not healthy, one of them is because of the habit of eating preservative foods or caffeinated drinks. Because, caffeinated drinks contain substances such as methylxanthines that can interfere with the work of enzymes and accumulate toxins in the body. These toxins then accumulate and form cysts. All of these processes certainly increase the likelihood of the cyst growing again even though it has been operated on.

Hormone levels in the body also play a role in increasing the risk of cyst recurrence,specifically the hormones estrogen and progesterone. That's why you will be prescribed hormone suppressing drugsestrogen after surgery removal of the cyst. One of them is the drug leuprorelin acetate. The doctor may also prescribe other drugs such as danazol, aromatase enzyme inhibitors, and birth control pills.

Perform periodic checks and a healthy lifestyle to prevent cysts from growing again

If you have had a surgical removal of a cyst, it is possible that the cyst can grow again. Although in fact the case of growing cysts can be treated with the second surgery, this can increase the risk of complications of nerve damage in the cyst area tissue.

So prevent these risks by doing a routine check up to the doctor, especially if you begin to feel the symptoms of cysts that return postoperatively. Examinationcan also periodically anticipate the risk of developing cysts becoming cancerous tumors.

In addition, regular exercise and keep your diet healthy after surgery. Here's a diet guide that you can follow to prevent cysts from growing again, including:

  • Replace simple carbohydrate ingredients (flour products) with complex carbohydrates, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Consume foods with a low glycemic index such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, fruits. Foods with a high glycemic index (such as potatoes and corn) can increase the body's insulin production which can increase the risk of ovarian cyst growth in women.
  • Eat foods high in protein, such as fish, nuts, and low-fat dairy products. Avoid eating red meat that is high in fat. The National Uterine Foundation explained that the high consumption of fat-rich red meat causes an increase in the occurrence of cysts
  • Avoid caffeinated drinks, including coffee, tea and various soft drinks.
Can Cysts Grow Again Even After Surgery
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