Cigarette Filters and Non Filters, Which Are More Dangerous?


Medical Video: Cigarette filter - Is it's even worse (Demonstration)

Cigarettes are one of the people's needs that are in great demand in the world, even though they have many negative effects on the health of the body. Cigarettes can cause cancer, respiratory problems, and various other diseases caused by the entry of harmful substances from cigarettes.

Therefore, in the early 1950s, factories and cigarette manufacturers began to create cigarettes with filters with the aim of reducing harmful substances that enter the body. But is it true that cigarette filters are safer for the body than cigarettes without filters?

What filter cigarettes are made of?

Cigarette filters are generally made from cellulose acetate, which is usually obtained from processed wood. This material is used because of its ability to filter tar and nicotine from cigarettes.

One cigarette filter can have 12,000 fibers made of cellulose acetate, and these fibers can be sucked into the lungs together with cigarette smoke.

In addition, cigarette filters also have a negative impact on the environment. This is because cellulose acetate cannot be decomposed by nature, so the amount can continue to accumulate.

It is estimated that 845,000 tons of cigarette filters are disposed of annually. Cigarette filters that are scattered in the ocean also have a negative impact on living things that accidentally digest them.

What is the function of cigarette filters?

Cigarette filters can significantly reduce tar and nicotine from smoked cigarettes. This is believed to reduce the negative effects of smoking on the body.

High tar content in cigarettes can increase the risk of lung cancer in smokers. Some studies also reveal that unfiltered cigarettes can increase the risk of lung cancer compared to cigarettes with filters.

Impact of cigarette filters on the human body

Even though cigarette filters are believed to be able to filter nicotine and tar significantly, it turns out that the cigarette filters themselves also have a negative impact on our bodies. One of them is that the fibers in the cigarette filter can be inhaled together with cigarette smoke. These fibers can also contain tar from cigarette smoke, which contains harmful substances that cause cancer.

In addition, many smokers assume that cigarettes with filters are far safer than unfiltered cigarettes, so they tend to increase the number of cigarettes consumed per day.

Filter cigarette users also tend to breathe more smoke than non-filter smokers, so that more dangerous substances from cigarettes are sucked into the lungs.

In the end, cigarettes will still have a negative impact on the human body, either by using filters or without filters. Therefore we should limit the use of cigarettes due to the negative impact of smoking on the body and on the environment and endanger the living things around us.

Cigarette Filters and Non Filters, Which Are More Dangerous?
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