Have People Never Dreamed While Sleeping?


Medical Video: Strange Facts About Dreams

Everyone must have felt a dream while sleeping, some dreams may be beautiful or even bad. But it turns out there are some people who in their sleep have never experienced dreaming.

Are there people who have never dreamed?

Dreams have become a source of attraction and mystery for researchers and the general public. Basically everyone dreams while sleeping, but not everyone remembers their dreams when they wake up from sleep.

A new study answers a number of questions that are widely discussed about why many people don't remember their dreams. Although researchers cannot say for certain whether people are certain to dream every night, studies are published in Journal of Sleep Research, shows that we dream more often than we realize.

To get an objective sign that people dream, the researchers used 289 people who were used as research samples with REM sleep disorders (Rapid Eye Movement) which is characterized by rapid eye movement and is the stage where dreams occur. During this phase, the body becomes paralyzed so that a person does not act according to his dream of sleep.

After they were awakened, the study author gave a questionnaire asking people to answer whether they dreamed or not. Even when they said they were not dreaming, every one of the participants showed signs of experiencing it.

When we dream, we suspect this is a subjective experience of each person. The study also found that the brain activity of people who remember their dreams is different from those who don't remember what dreams last night. But the difference is related to memory, not to the dream itself. So most likely in sleep we dream even though we don't remember it when we wake up.

How can we remember our dreams?

Here are some ways that you are more aware of what happens to your subconscious when you sleep:

1. Sensitive to the surrounding environment

The results showed that people who have high memory may be more reactive to stimuli such as sounds that can make them wake up more easily. This makes the person more likely to remember their dreams when they wake up.

2. The sleeper

People who often wake up at night are also easier to remember their dreams in order to get a good night's sleep every day. But in this case, it is better to improve the sleep cycle to get good quality sleep.

3. Avoid taking sleeping pills

Various types of drugs such as hemorrhoid medicine affect how much time you spend if you experience REM sleep disorders (sleep phase when dreams occur), so that in this case, the lack of memory and memory really can be in accordance with the absence of the dream itself.

4. Make notes

If you are really serious about exploring your subconscious, you can try to make a dream note written every time you wake up from sleep. If you are lazy to write, you can record using your cellphone to tell about your dream. This is effective in helping you remember your dreams when you wake up.

5. Activate the alarm during sleep

You can forget about your dream because you were surprised by the sound of an alarm. This leaves you in a semi-sleeping state where you wake up with your dreams still in your mind like flapping.

Have People Never Dreamed While Sleeping?
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