How often do you have to clean the fridge?


Medical Video: How to Clean A Fridge! (Clean With Me)

Maintaining the cleanliness of everyday objects that you use is the first step in an effort to improve health. Because, there are many germs attached to these objects that can affect your health. One of the things you have to keep clean is the refrigerator. Actually, how often do we have to clean the fridge? Find the answer here.

The refrigerator is home to bacteria that enter through vegetables, fruit, or raw food

A refrigerator is one of the hardest things in your kitchen. Its job is to keep your food supply fresh and durable. So, naturally, if this refrigerator is cared for properly.

A refrigerator that is always clean is not only good to look at but also can maintain food durability well because it functions optimally. So, how often should you clean the fridge?

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends cleaning the refrigerator lightly once a week. This includes looking at the expiration and conditions of the food you store in it. That way you minimize the risk of food poisoning and unpleasant odors in the refrigerator.

When cleaning the refrigerator every week, you also need to clean up food spills on the refrigerator shelf so as not to cause bacterial contamination of other foods. Similarly, the refrigerator door handle. You need to clean it regularly because this area is vulnerable to exposure to germs.

If you routinely clean the refrigerator every week, it doesn't mean that you don't need to clean it thoroughly. Without you knowing, refrigerators are home to bacteria that enter through vegetables, fruit, or raw food stored in them. Refrigerators should be cleaned 3 to 6 months or at least four times a year. Cleaning the refrigerator thoroughly needs to be done.

When doing so, you need to remove all the contents of the refrigerator and turn off the electricity, including removing all expired food and cleaning the outside of the refrigerator.

What products should be used to clean the fridge?

You can clean the surface of the refrigerator and rack with a clean sponge, baking soda, and water. Or you can also use natural cleansers in the form of a mixture of vinegar, lemon and water.

Keeping a bottle of baking soda powder open in one of the refrigerator shelves is also a good idea. This will prevent the refrigerator from getting unpleasant odors. Replace baking soda every three months to keep it fresh.

Actually, products that are suitable for cleaning refrigerators are the products that you normally use in the kitchen. Liquid dishwashing soap is safer to use than other cleaning products such as detergent.

Dishwashing liquid is indeed designed for washing utensils and cooking. We can put the refrigerator into this category because it is in contact with food and food ingredients. The laps used should also be special and clean. Soft dish washing sponges or fine napkin cloths can be an option.

The best way to clean the fridge

After all cleaning products and equipment are ready, it's time to think about how to clean the fridge. Following are the steps that can guide you to clean the fridge.

  • Even though it sounds trivial, remove all food before you start cleaning the fridge. Even if you use natural products, you certainly don't want cleaning activities to be free. An empty refrigerator makes it easy to clean it and minimize the possibility of contamination.
  • Remove all removable parts, such as drawers and shelves. Fill a basin with warm water and dish soap to soak the parts before wiping and rinsing.
  • Wipe the entire outer surface and inside of the refrigerator using a wet tissue or a clean cloth dampened with a mixture of dish soap and warm water. Use a quality microfiber cloth or sponge so as not to leave flakes of fiber in the refrigerator.
  • For stubborn stains, mix a little baking soda powder with a little water to make a thick mixture. Apply this mixture to the stain and leave it for one hour before wiping it using a damp sponge or cloth. Baking soda powder makes stains easier to wipe clean.
How often do you have to clean the fridge?
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