In addition to PMS, 8 It Can Make Breasts Enlarge and Feel Pain


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Breasts are susceptible to changes from time to time. Starting from the age of puberty, an increase in the hormone estrogen makes the breasts enlarge and hurt for the first time. This change aims to improve breast function as a provider of breast milk. Over time, the breasts of adult women can also occasionally enlarge and feel pain even though they are no longer puberty. For example, every time you want to menstruate.

Come on, find out what else can make your breasts enlarge and feel pain!

The cause of enlarged breasts and pain in addition to puberty

In adult women, breast enlargement is no longer caused by changes in puberty hormones. Your daily routine and certain medical conditions may be the cause.

1. Take birth control pills

Adult women who regularly take birth control pills may find their breasts slightly enlarged from the usual. Because, birth control pills contain high estrogen. Adding this hormone in the body can also cause fluid to accumulate around the breast. As a result, breast size will become bigger and feel very sensitive.

2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, the hormone estrogen in the body will increase rapidly, causing the breasts to become bigger.

Changes in pregnancy hormones make the breasts heavier, bigger, and sensitive. You will realize it when you see the nipples and areola (the black area around the nipple) becomes more swollen.

This breast change will continue until you breastfeed. This aims to prepare and increase the production of breast milk.

3. Menopause

Breast enlargement can also occur after menopausal women. Contrary to fertility, breast enlargement after menopause is actually caused by receding estrogen levels in the body. This makes fibrous tissue that holds the shape of the breasts weak.

Breast density also decreases with age. That is why many women aged 50 years and over with excess weight feel their breasts are loosened and bigger.

4. Sex

Apart from hormonal changes, sex can also make the breasts enlarge. Caresses and kisses around the nipples or clitoris can increase blood flow to the breast. This causes the breasts to swell during sex.

5. Increased weight

You need to know if the breast consists of fat tissue and breast. When you gain weight, breast size will certainly be bigger. However, not all women experience the same condition.

Women with dense breasts tend to have less fat tissue so that breast size does not change much.

6. Insect bites

Mosquitoes, ants, or other small insects can bite your body, including around the breast area. These small insect bites can cause itching.

If your hands continue to scratch the part that itches the breast can swell and feel pain. Fortunately, this condition can only heal quickly.

7. Consume caffeine

Apparently there are several tissues in the breast that are very sensitive to caffeine. This is very influential for women with fibrocystic breasts, namely benign tumor growth in the mammary gland.

This condition sometimes causes pain and swelling of the breast triggered by caffeine. If you have this condition, maybe your doctor will advise you to limit your caffeine intake or avoid it altogether.

8. Certain medicines

Enlarged breasts, pain, and discomfort can also occur if you take antidepressant or antipsychotic drugs.

Usually these drugs are given to people who have mental disorders, such as bipolar disorder, depression, or anxiety disorders.

Risperdal, one of the drugs for bipolar disorder, can increase proklatin. Prolactin is a hormone that plays a role in increasing milk production so that breast size can be enlarged. This can also cause the nipple to remove milk even if you are not breastfeeding.

In addition to PMS, 8 It Can Make Breasts Enlarge and Feel Pain
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