Is It True for Everyone to Have Cancer Cells in the Body?


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According to the World Health Organization (WHO) cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. However, the awareness and knowledge of ordinary people about this deadly disease is still very limited. In Indonesia alone, there are many circulating myths surrounding cancer that have no scientific basis. One of them is the myth that all people have cancer in their bodies. It's just that cancer in your body may not have been detected, either because it hasn't become a severe disease or the number isn't many.

Hearing this certainly can make you cringe. Is it true that we actually have cancer cells that quietly press in the body? Come on, find out the truth behind this myth so you don't get me wrong.

Does everyone have cancer in the body?

Not. Not everyone has cancer cells in their body. The myth that everyone is actually storing cancer cells is wrong. First, you must understand where the cancer originates. Cancer is a cell, not an organism such as a virus or bacteria that comes from outside the human body. Cancer can indeed develop in the human body. However, the body of a healthy person is clear of cancer cells at all. Only people with cancer have cancer cells in their bodies.

The myth that everyone has cancer departs from the understanding that the cells in the human body have the potential to become cancer cells. This understanding is correct, but that does not mean that everyone has stored cancer cells that are ready to attack you at any time.

How does cancer develop in the human body?

The human body consists of hundreds of billions to trillions of cells. These cells are responsible for carrying out various bodily functions. Every time, your cells will continue to grow and divide. There are also cells that will die or be damaged because they are no longer functioning. If there are dead cells, the body will produce new cells to replace them. This process is called the cell cycle.

If there are damaged cells, the body has a special immune system to detect which cells are damaged. The body will then clean or kill the damaged cells so as not to disturb other cells.

Cancer will only appear if there is an error in your system or cell cycle. One cell may divide imperfectly. Therefore, this cell changes the nature of being a danger to the body. However, this error may not be detected by the immune system. As a result, this cell abnormality is allowed to develop just like that.

Cells that have undergone changes in character (gene mutations) are known as cancer cells. Cancer cells will damage other cells and body organs where the cells are accommodated. This is the origin of cancer that arises from within the human body.

Three things that increase a person's risk of getting cancer

Unlike many people suspect, cancer cells will not just appear. Without triggers, system errors and cell cycles cannot occur. For this reason, you must understand the following cancer triggers (risk factors).

1. Genetic factors

Every cell of your body consists of a series of genetic information that has been determined when you were born. So, it could be when your body is born you already have a cell abnormality passed down by biological parents.

2. Carcinogen factors

Carcinogens are triggers or cancer-causing substances that come from outside the human body. Examples include radiation, chemicals, or viruses. Carcinogens will cause cell damage which then develops into cancer.

3. Lifestyle factors

Your daily habits can also trigger the development of cancer cells. Especially if you smoke, eat unhealthy, and lack physical activity.

Is It True for Everyone to Have Cancer Cells in the Body?
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