Is the Menstrual Cycle Later Irregular? Maybe Your Diet Is Wrong


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If your menstrual cycle suddenly becomes irregular, don't panic first and assume that you conceded or suffered from a certain disease. The cause of irregular menstruation is not always as serious and creepy. A chaotic menstrual cycle can be caused Your diet is careless.

Why can eating patterns cause irregular menstruation?

Normal menstrual cycles range from 21-35 days. This cycle is regulated by reproductive hormones that women have, namely the hormones estrogen and progesterone. When the menstrual cycle is irregular, it can be a disruption to the amount of hormones in your body. And this condition can be caused by the food you have consumed so far.

Many studies suggest that people who tend to be malnourished will experience irregular menstrual cycles. the reason is, the availability of fat in the body, although hated by many women, plays an important role in hormone production. So when you are on a strict diet until you experience malnutrition, the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone is disrupted. Your menstrual cycle is falling apart.

The mess of the menstrual cycle due to a wrong diet is not only a problem for malnourished people. Women who are too fat or obese can also experience menstrual disorders. Because the more fat buildup in the body, the body becomes more confused to regulate the production of the hormone estrogen, eventually the amount of these hormones becomes abnormal.

So, try to apply a healthy lifestyle and balanced nutrition in your daily life. This will control your weight and normal body fat levels.

The wrong diet also affects the symptoms of PMS that appear

Food not only makes your menstrual cycle messy, but it can also worsen the symptoms of menstruation that appear. Symptoms of menstruation that usually appear every month that comes guests are stomach cramps, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, chest pain, mood swingand bloating.

Well, if you suddenly experience symptoms of menstruation that are severe and unusual, it could be due to the food you eat at that time.

For example, you eat foods that contain high gas, this will make bloating in your stomach increase several times. Or, if you eat foods and beverages that are caffeinated, then you can mood swing what you experience is getting worse.

late menstruation

If the diet is healthy and balanced, the menstrual cycle is still irregular. What caused it?

If indeed you have changed your diet to be healthier, but your menstrual cycle is still chaotic, there could be other things that cause this condition. The causes of irregular menstrual cycles aside from eating patterns, including:

  • Disorders of the uterus, such as uterine polyps
  • Severe stress
  • Wounds in the uterus
  • Excessive exercise

If your menstrual cycle is not regular, then you should immediately consult a doctor to find out more about your condition.

Is the Menstrual Cycle Later Irregular? Maybe Your Diet Is Wrong
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