Know the 8 Types of Milk Nipples: Which One Are You?


Medical Video: Types of Nipples - 8 Different Types Of Nipples That Exist | Which One Is Yours? Natural Medication

Every woman is born with different types of nipples and breasts. As you know, the difference in breasts varies, depending on the percentage of body fat, how to distribute body fat, and the elasticity of the skin and muscles that each woman has. However, what often causes excitement is that the nipples have eight different types. Before we start explaining the types of nipples, there are a number of things you need to understand first:

  • These eight types of nipples are normal. There is no one type that is superior to the other.
  • You can have a different combination of characteristics in one nipple. This means that your nipples can have several types of mixtures of eight types of nipples.
  • If in the process of observing your nipples, you see something coming out of the nipple, experiencing changes in color and shape, or bleeding, then you should seek medical help immediately. Because the liquid can be the result of a cyst or breast cancer.

Types of nipples

1. Enter inside (inverted nipple)

nipple type

Sometimes, the nipple will enter the breast, aka inverted nipple, for a number of reasons. The causes can be genetic, scarring, or breastfeeding. There is nothing wrong with the nipples upside down, because the nipples will stand out or come out when stimulated.

2. Flat

nipple type

Look at the circle around your nipples. If the nipple has a flat top, and is seen vaguely with the nipple circle, it is considered a flat nipple. Because the nipple is a sensitive part of the breast, flat nipples will stand out when aroused. However, it will return to its original form when the stimulus is lost.

3. Stand out

nipple type

This nipple naturally protrudes above the nipple circle. Nipples tend to show outward direction, can harden and can even be more prominent and clearer. This can cause a woman to feel pain, because the nipple is prone to rubbing with clothes, causing a rash. Keeping the breast and nipple area with a good bra can protect the nipple's delicate skin and simultaneously support breast weight,

4. Triangle

nipple type

These nipples are triangular in shape that tend to stick out and have a tip that can harden when stimulated. Stimulus can be from anything, including room temperature, wetness, certain clothing, sexual stimulation, and increased blood flow in general.

5. Wavy

nipple type

The Montgomery gland is located in the nipple circle area. The task of this gland is to produce lubricants in the form of light, oily substances that can protect sensitive skin in the nipple circle. Sometimes, the gland can swell and make the nipple circle look bumpy. This is not a dangerous condition and many women experience it.

6. Excessive nipples

nipple type

This is basically an extra nipple that occurs genetically. These more nipples can appear as a flat nipple circle that is below or near the active nipple, and usually there is only one extra nipple.

7. Hairy

nipple type

Everyone has a hair follicle in the nipple circle area. As is often the case, some heavy-haired people will have feathers in certain parts of the body. Having hair in the nipple circle can be dangerous for some people, but there is a quick solution that can eliminate them, namely by pulling it out. If this hair follicle becomes painful, continues to grow, or is itchy and scaly, check with your doctor. This can be a sign of infection or cancer.

8. Some go inside

nipple type

The above has been explained about the nipples that are upside down or go inside. However, there are times when only one of the two nipples is upside down. This is also a genetic predisposition and is included in normal terms.


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Know the 8 Types of Milk Nipples: Which One Are You?
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