Older, Elderly People Often Have Watery Eyes. Why?


Medical Video: How to stop watery eyes? - Dr. Sunita Rana Agarwal

Tears do function to keep the eyes moist. However, it is not uncommon that even experience excessive production of tears that make the eyes runny. This often happens to the elderly. Of course, this condition makes vision impaired and uncomfortable. Actually, what causes watery eyes in the elderly?

Why do watery eyes in the elderly often occur?

Watery eyes are a common condition for anyone, but this problem is often experienced by people over the age of 60, quoted from Medical News Today. Unlike tears that come out while laughing or yawning, watery eyes in the elderly usually occur continuously.

Actually, tears are very necessary to keep the eyes healthy and maintain clear vision. But if the production of excess tears, then this condition can actually interfere with vision.

The causes of watery eyes are infections and allergies. However, there are other causes that more often cause this condition, namely dry eyes. Yes, dry eyes actually stimulate excessive production of tears.

Older people often complain of dry eye conditions and eventually make their eyes runny continuously. Why does this happen?

You see, the meibom gland, which is behind the eyelids, is responsible for producing oily substances to help the eyes stay lubricated. When the meibomian gland is inflamed or known asmeibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), the eyes cannot be lubricated optimally which eventually results in dry eyes. Well, this is where additional tears begin to produce more than usual.

Other causes of watery eyes that occur in the elderly

Not only that, the increasing age is usually the condition of the lower eyelid also decreases. This makes it difficult for the tears to "flow" on the right path to the tear hole (puncta) so that the tears accumulate and look like watery.

In addition, there are several other conditions that cause watery eyes in the elderly, namely:

  • Infection of the cornea.
  • Open wounds on the cornea (corneal ulcer).
  • Allergy.
  • Take certain medicines.
  • Signs of health problems, such as thyroid disease.

Then, is there a way that can be done to overcome it?

Watery eye conditions that attack the elderly can be treated at home in several easy ways, such as:

1. Rest your eyes

the elderly often take a nap

If watery eyes come suddenly, you should stop the work you are doing for a while, whether it's watching television, reading a book, and so on. Instead, take a break by closing your eyes.

2. Using eye drops

how to use eye drops

Excessive tear production is usually triggered by dry eye conditions. Therefore, before the eyes are completely dry, it's good to drip artificial tears. You can get it in the form of eye drops that are sold on the market. Choose the one that best suits your eye conditions.

3. Compress the eyes

Eye compresses can be one of the right alternatives to treat dry eyes. The trick, by soaking the cloth using warm water and then placing it above the eyes, while gently massaged on the eyelids.

When should you see a doctor?

Do not underestimate the watery eye conditions in the elderly, especially if accompanied by red eyes, eye pain, even the production of tears will not stop for a long period of time. Usually, if tear production is not normal anymore, the doctor will prescribe several drugs, including antibiotics if this condition is caused by a bacterial infection.

In some cases, for a narrowed tear duct in the eyelid, it can be treated surgically to open a blocked tear duct. Of course, treatment for watery eyes in the elderly is adjusted to the condition of your eyes.

Older, Elderly People Often Have Watery Eyes. Why?
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