Recognize the Causes of Impetigo in Children, Plus Various Ways of Transmission


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Impetigo is a highly contagious skin infection that usually attacks infants and children. Impetigo can occur throughout the body, especially around the child's nose, mouth, hands and feet. Indeed, what are the causes of impetigo? Find out the information below.

What are the causes of impetigo?

The most common cause of impetigo is bacterial contaminationStaphylococcus aureus(S. aureus) These bacteria are everywhere, so you should be more vigilant and observant of your little one while playing outside the house.

The main way to spread impetigo infection is through skin contact with an infected person. For example, when a child is playing with his peers and unconsciously touches the skin part of his friend who is infected with impetigo.

The cause of impetigo can also be from objects around. For example clothes, sheets, towels, or other objects used by children affected by impetigo. If these objects are used together or borrow from one another, your child will be more easily infected with impetigo.

The causes of impetigo can also be from fleas, insect bites, fungal infections, and eczema. However, this only acts as a trigger that can accelerate transmission of impetigo - not the main cause.

Various things can trigger impetigo

Even if you have avoided various causes of impetigo, there are several conditions that can make you or your child more susceptible to impetigo. Some risk factors that can increase the risk of transmission include:

  1. Age. Impetigo is more common in children aged 2 to 5 years. Adults can also get impetigo, but the cases are quite rare.
  2. Crowded environment. Be careful when in crowded places, transmission of impetigo can occur quickly. For example at school or daycare.
  3. Hot and humid environment. Impetigo often occurs in hot weather with high humidity.
  4. Certain sports. Skin contact with others when playing soccer, basketball or wrestling can increase the risk of getting impetigo.
  5. Wounds on the skin. Impetigo-causing bacteria can enter the body through open wounds on the skin.

If there are friends or family members affected by impetigo, you should take a short distance. Avoid skin contact and use the same items so that you and your child do not get infected with impetigo.

Recognize the Causes of Impetigo in Children, Plus Various Ways of Transmission
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