The Difference in Benefits of Egg Yolk and Egg White


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Where there is egg yolk, there is white. Although both have different benefits, whole eggs are a complete source of high-quality protein with only a few calories. One egg has 5.5 grams of protein in 68 calories overall. Eggs contain one nutrient called choline which is very important for the body, which unfortunately is not produced by the body as needed. Without these nutrients, you can lack other important nutrients, such as folic acid. What parts of the egg have zero cholesterol? Then what parts have lots of vitamins? The answer is below.

Information on the nutritional value of egg yolks and egg white

difference in egg yolk and egg white

Benefits of egg yolks

1. Vitamins are abundant

Egg yolks contain more vitamins than egg whites. Each egg yolk contains seven vitamins, namely B6, folate, vitamins B, B-12, A, D, E, and K. These vitamins can only be found in egg yolks, and not in egg white. In fact, egg yolks are one of the few foods that contain natural vitamin D.

2. Rich in minerals

Just like vitamins, minerals are very important for building nutritional defenses, which can carry out bodily functions such as balancing electrolytes. Egg yolks and egg whites each have 13 types of minerals. These minerals include calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, and selenium. Although both contain these minerals, egg yolks have a greater amount of minerals than egg white. For example, as much as 90% of calcium and 93% of iron in eggs are found in egg yolk.

3. Good for eye health

Carotenoids in egg yolks, especially carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, have a responsibility to improve eye health. These carotenoids are colorful pigments that give colored yolk. These substances can reduce age-related risks, such as macular degeneration and cataracts. Carotenoids also act as antioxidants in the eye, which allows them to protect themselves from free radicals which can damage parts of the retina. If the retina is damaged, the ability of the eye to really focus the light will be disrupted.

4. Good for the heart

Egg yolks, with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in them also help promote heart and cardiovascular health. Egg yolk does not show a direct connection with heart disease, but choline as one of the nutrients in it can regulate cardiovascular function. In addition, a study by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that women with a higher choline intake of 24% compared to other women had a lower risk of developing breast cancer.

Benefits of egg white

1. Good for preventing hypertension

A high protein diet has been associated with a lower risk of hypertension, and new research shows that egg white is indeed very beneficial. In a study of animals published at the American Chemical Society, scientists at Clemson University found that a peptide called RVPSL was found in egg white. These compounds can reduce blood pressure with the same properties as hypertension-lowering drugs (high blood pressure), which is by blocking agents that can trigger high blood pressure.

2. Don't have cholesterol

One egg contains enough cholesterol to meet your daily needs. But as much as 213 mg of cholesterol is in the yolk. If you only eat egg white, then you avoid harmful elements. People who do not have health problems can consume a maximum of 300 mg of cholesterol per day, but for patients with certain conditions (such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease) may not consume more than 200 mg of cholesterol per day.

3. Low calories

Eggs are not high-calorie foods, they usually only have 71 calories per large-sized grain. However, if you don't eat egg yolks, then you have reduced 55 calories in your food. Instead of cooking an omelette using three eggs, it's better to use one whole egg and two egg whites. That way, you can minimize the risk of excess calories in the body.


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The Difference in Benefits of Egg Yolk and Egg White
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