This Is What Will Happen To The Human Body If Lightning Runs Fast


Medical Video: What Happens When You're Struck By Lightning? | The Human Body

When watching superhero-themed films, you may be very amazed and tempted to borrow their super powers. How not, having super speed like The Flash or Quicksilver would be very useful if you were late. Being able to run as fast as lightning without the help of a tool does sound interesting. However, do you know what will happen to the body if you run as fast as lightning? Come on, find out the answer below.

What is the fastest running speed for humans?

So far, the fastest man in the world that has been recorded is Usain Bolt. Usain is a runner who won three Olympic gold medals from Jamaica. He set a record with a running speed of 43 kilometers per hour. This amazing speed is equivalent to a cat that can run as fast as 40-48 kilometers per hour.

Meanwhile, healthy adults have an average running speed of 16-24 kilometers per hour. When compared to animals such as cheetahs that can run at speeds of 120 kilometers per hour, the world's fastest human is still far behind.

Superheroes in Hollywood films have speeds that are still debated. Some believe they can run 14,727 kilometers per hour, but some believe these heroes can run at the speed of light. The speed of the light itself is 299,792 kilometers per hour. This is equivalent to circling the Earth seven and a half times in a second!

What happens if humans run as fast as lightning?

It is impossible for humans to run as fast as lightning without the help of tools and technology. Even if with some kind of super power, a human can run as fast as lightning, this will happen to his body.

1. Damage to muscles, joints and bones

According to a biomechanics expert from Loughborough University, Dr. Sam Allen, to run as fast as lightning there are several combinations that humans need. For example body shape, muscle strength, muscle fiber length, tendon length, leg width, and bone strength.

Muscles and human veins are unable to resist friction and excessive power when you move super fast. In addition, the human foot is not sturdy enough to hold the weight when you set foot as a split second. There is actually damage to muscles, joints, tendons and bones due to unnatural movements.

2. The heart cannot pump blood

In addition, the heart is also unable to pump blood throughout the body when you move as fast as lightning. In fact, blood flow is very necessary to supply oxygen to the brain while carrying out the functions of muscles and joints.

3. You will immediately hit because the speed of the brain and vision cannot adjust

Another challenge is the human brain must be able to think ten times faster and the eyes must be able to see ten times farther forward. When you run as fast as lightning, you must avoid buildings, people, trees, cars, and other things that block the road. While the new human brain can react 1.5 seconds after seeing an event. Within 1.5 seconds you have run more than 5 kilometers. So even if you can run super fast, you will hit all obstacles in front of you.

4. The skin is burnt and torn

The air around you consists of thousands of invisible fine particles. Starting from the grains of gas, dust, dirt, and other chemical particles floating in the air. When you run very fast, the skin will immediately rub against these particles. This friction produces heat that can burn and slice your skin. Unfortunately, human skin is not designed as strongly and is resistant to friction and heat.

This Is What Will Happen To The Human Body If Lightning Runs Fast
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