Watch Out! Although It Could Be A Drug, Borneo Kratom Leaves Potentially Misused As Drugs


Medical Video: Ketum will only lead to drug abuse

Not everyone knows about Kratom; although kratom has been widely used in West Kalimantan. Kratom leaves are the Latin namesMitragyna speciosa (from the Rubiaceae family), also known in Indonesia as the name puric or ketum leaves, and has long been used as a painkiller herbal medicine; can be eaten raw, brewed like tea, or converted into capsules, tablets, powders and liquids.

However, lately kratom has been abused as a drug because of its effects similar to opium and cocaine. Let's find out more about the following kratom leaves.

What is the effect of kratom leaves on the body?

Chewing kratom leaves is usually done to produce energy such as when consuming caffeine, or as a traditional medicine for diseases, ranging from diarrhea to pain in the body.

In low doses, kratom can provide a stimulant effect. Kratom can make someone feel more energy, more alert and happier. Kratom's main active ingredient is mitraginin alkaloids and 7-hydroxymitragyninewhich has been shown to provide analgesic, anti-inflammatory, or muscle relaxant effects; so kratom is often used to relieve fibromyalgia symptoms. Fibromyalgia is an intolerance to stress and pain which is usually characterized by pain in the body, difficulty sleeping, and fatigue.

However, if kratom is used in high doses (around 10 to 25 grams or more), kratom can provide a sedative effect such as narcotics. Even Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) says that excessive consumption of kratom can cause psychotic symptoms and psychological addiction.

Danger of kratom abuse

1. Dependency

Kratom dependence can occur when kratom is used regularly for a certain period of time. If consumption of kratom is stopped after dependence occurs, it can trigger symptoms withdrawal or better known as sakau, including muscle and bone pain, tremor, nausea, fatigue, runny nose, mood swings, hallucinations, delusions, insomnia, even depression.

2. Negative interactions when mixed with other drugs

Because the forms of kratom preparations are as diverse as capsules, tablets, powders, or liquids, kratom can be easily combined with other drugs / mixtures. DEA states that mixing kratom with other psychoactive substances can be very dangerous, because it can cause negative interactions with each other, including seizures.

3. Possibility of overdose

Many kratom products are sold without the recommended dosage limits, thus increasing the risk of cratom overdoses. Symptoms of kratom overdose include lethargy, tremor, nausea, delusions, and hallucinations. In addition, the use of high doses of kratom for a long time can cause liver damage and kidney failure.

Is kratom leaf legal to use?

In Indonesia, kratom has been included in the list New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) by the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Laboratory. However, Kratom has not been included in Minister of Health Regulation Number 13 of 2014.

Kratom is considered to have an impact such as opiates and cocaine. And even though it has been included in the NSP, the circulation of kratom has not been regulated by law, so the legality is still questionable. Even today, there are still many pros and cons regarding Kratom, both in Indonesia and abroad.

Then, is kratom still safe to use as a medicine?

Kratom controversy arises because of the side effects it can cause. Continuous use of kratom can cause addiction, anorexia and insomnia. Even in low doses, kratom can cause side effects such as hallucinations and anorexia.

Researchers have confirmed the addictive nature of kratom and found that excessive use of kratom can cause problems with learning ability, memory, and other cognitive abilities. Kratom's dependence can also cause side effects such as nausea, sweating, tremor, sleep disability or insomnia, and hallucinations.

Because until now there has not been a regulation regarding kratom especially regarding the circulation, impact, and use, so you need to monitor your family members because kratom is still sold freely, especially the benefits of kratom are still medically questionable.

Watch Out! Although It Could Be A Drug, Borneo Kratom Leaves Potentially Misused As Drugs
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