5 Guidelines for Strong Walking for Arthritis Patients


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Arthritis or joint pain not only makes your knee joint painful and stiff, but can also interfere with your daily activities, even when you just walk slowly. To overcome this, you need to exercise so that your leg and knee joints are strong.

You can start with the simplest way, namely by walking. However, especially for those of you who have joint pain, there are some tips on how to walk that make your joints not sore and stiff.

How to walk if you have arthritis or joint pain

Walking though it looks simple and easy is a very good form of exercise for those of you who have arthritis. Aside from being free and can be done anywhere and anytime, walking sports can train your joints to prevent pain and stiffness. For people who have arthritis, walking activities do have their own challenges. You don't need to worry, there are a number of tips for you to walk more easily

1. Step 1: Start slowly

You are strongly advised to start walking slowly. If you have determined that you have to walk 30 minutes a day, you can start by walking for 10 minutes a day. You can add time little by little every day, until finally you can walk in 30 minutes a day.

Walking on sand, uneven sidewalks and uphill roads will indeed look difficult. For starters, you can start walking on flat streets until you are able to walk on uneven surfaces.

2. Step 2: Use a tool

If you have difficulty walking because of knee pain, you can use a tool. Using a stick or crutch can help you reduce joint pain in the knee joint while walking.

If you use crutches or sticks, hold a stick or crutch on the side of your leg that doesn't hurt. This allows you to balance weight from the side of your aching leg. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons wearing knee braces or knee brace can also help stabilize the knee when you walk.

3. Step 3: The leg muscles must be strong and flexible

Keep your leg muscles strong and supple. If your leg muscles are weak or stiff, when you walk, the knee joint may feel like being pulled, and make you uncomfortable when walking.

The University of Washington states that strong muscles can help keep your joints stable and comfortable when walking or other activities. According to the University of Washington it is highly recommended that you have a little pain and stiffness in the joint area.

4. Step 4: The importance of heating

If your knee hurts or is stiff, you can warm up first. Use a heating pad, shower with warm water, or sit in a pool with a whirlpool before you walk can help reduce pain when walking.

You can also apply a cream that will make your joints feel hot for 10 to 15 minutes before walking. After that, you can compress the knee with cold water or ice after walking. This will help soothe inflammation and numb the pain.

5. Step 5: Walk in the pool

If arthritis makes you sick when walking, you can try walking in the pool. Water can make muscles more relaxed and lighten your weight, so you don't need pressure from your knees.

In addition, walking through water requires energy. Your muscles must push you through the water, this is useful for training your body's endurance. You can walk on the edge of a shallow pool or run in a deep pond using a floating belt. You are also advised to lift your knees higher at each step and swing your arms.

Before you start doing this, it's good if you consult with your doctor first, because everyone has different conditions. Use the right shoes if you are allowed by the doctor to walk. Stop immediately, if the condition of your joint pain gets worse after walking.

5 Guidelines for Strong Walking for Arthritis Patients
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