5 Triggers for Epilepsy Seizures and How to Prevent them


Medical Video: First Aid in Seizures

Generally, in the human brain there are neurons or nerve cells that are part of the nervous system. Each nerve cell communicates with each other using electrical impulses. In cases of epilepsy, seizures occur when these electrical impulses are produced excessively, causing bodily movements or movements such as seizures. If you don't pay attention to the trigger, epileptic seizures can occur at the wrong time. Then what are the causes of epileptic seizures? Can we prevent it?

What can be the trigger for epileptic seizures?

1. Blood sugar levels are down

Dr. Vikram Rao, a professor of neurology at the University of California, said that the brain is the biggest consumer of sugar in all organs of the body. Sometimes, when blood sugar levels in the body are low, or commonly called hypoglycemia, the brain will experience problems.

So not infrequently, epileptic seizures can occur when the body's blood sugar is low. Then, because hypoglycemia has the potential to cause side effects from diabetes medication (insulin, sulfonylurea), not eating in diabetics so diabetics may be at higher risk of this type of epileptic seizure.

2. Being under the scorching heat

Walking, playing, or even just being in the hot sun is quite dangerous for health conditions. Yes, heat in the hot sun can be one of the triggers for epileptic seizures.

Because, when you are under heat for a long time, the body is rather difficult to cool his own body. And so, the brain cannot function properly at higher temperatures and eventually seizures occur.

3. Drink alcohol

The Journal of American Family Physicians estimates that there are 2 million people who drink alcohol every year. Substances of alcohol, beer, and wine affect the way the brain works. Drinking alcohol, especially in large amounts, can interfere with the electrical activity in your brain and trigger seizures.

4. Taking drugs

Antidepressant drugs such as bupropion, have long been associated with the effect of seizures in certain studies. Then, some antibiotic drugs, such as penicillin and quinolones, and pain medications such as tramadol are believed to increase the risk of seizures.

5. Lack of sleep

Dr. Rao also said, if a little sleep can be a trigger for epileptic seizures. Indeed, the exact reason is unknown, but sleep is a very important thing to do. Sleep is also restorative, which is when sleeping the body is able to repair damaged cells and restore the body's energy.

Are there ways to prevent epileptic seizures?

First, all you have to know to prevent recurrent epileptic seizures is to recognize the trigger first. Because, the more you know the things that trigger the seizure and how to prevent it, the better you can overcome this condition.

Usually, anti-epilepsy drugs can control seizures in as many as 70% of people. You are advised to follow the doctor's prescription correctly because it is likely that this method is the most effective way to survive with epilepsy.

Here are some things that can prevent the risk of recurrence of epileptic seizures:

  • Many hours of sleep every night, try to set a regular sleep schedule, and do with discipline
  • You can try to regulate stress and learn relaxation techniques that can calm the brain, body and mind to prevent epilepsy from appearing.
  • Avoid taking drugs and alcohol
  • Avoid bright lights, flashing lights, and other visual stimuli that can trigger shock
  • Reduce your time watching TV and being on a computer
  • Reduce playing video games
  • Apply a healthy diet and diet to prevent epilepsy
5 Triggers for Epilepsy Seizures and How to Prevent them
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