6 Flu Treatments That Really Make Flu More Severe


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Flu or a cold may be a disease that we often encounter. We certainly often hear or even have our own habits in dealing with flu. However, are all these medications or habits correct? Does the treatment really speed healing or even worsen our condition?

The following are some of the mistakes in treating flu that can actually make your flu worse.

1. Take iron supplements

Some studies do show that iron can speed healing in adults, but iron supplements can also have bad side effects. Taking iron can leave a bad taste in the mouth and can cause nausea. Some nasal spray iron-containing substances are also known to damage the mucosa or the lining of the nose and can make you lose your ability to avoid. In addition, iron administration does not have an effect on children with flu.

2. Not taking medicine at all

Some people do not want to take medication to treat flu because they think they will heal themselves. In fact, without taking drugs, the mucus from your nose will increase and it will spread the flu virus that replicates in your body.

Therefore, for your convenience, you can take medication to relieve the symptoms of flu that you are experiencing. You can take anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen to treat fever and pain in the body, antihistamines for runny noses, and cough medicines if you have a cough. In addition to making you more comfortable, this drug can also help prevent transmission of the virus from your body.

3. Take high doses of vitamin C

Vitamin C is often said to cure various diseases ranging from flu to cancer. Some studies do prove that taking vitamin C when you have a cold can actually relieve symptoms. However, the effectiveness of vitamin C in reducing symptoms is still very low.

In addition, high-dose vitamin C is also known to cause diarrhea. For some people, high doses of vitamin C consumed can even increase iron absorption and cause iron toxicity.

4. Eat instant chicken soup

Research shows that right, the nutrient content in a bowl of chicken soup has an anti-inflammatory effect that can relieve flu symptoms. However, keep in mind, many instant chicken soups sold in supermarkets contain too much salt. This high salt content can make you dehydrated, while your body that is experiencing flu requires a lot of fluids to make you better.

If you want to eat chicken soup, try buying a product that is low in salt or better yet, you can make your own soup.

5. Regarding flu and doing activities as usual

Most people might think of flu as a mild disease, so he continued to move as usual after taking the drug. However, be careful, if you take drugs that contain anti-histamines, these drugs can give you a drowsy effect. It's good if you don't do activities that require extra attention such as driving when you take cold medicine.

6. Buy any cold medicine at a pharmacy

One of the things to watch out for when you buy drugs without a prescription is the possibility of drug interactions that are not alleviated. If you buy a decongestant containing pseudoephedrine, phenylephrine, or oxymetazoline, You must be careful of the side effects. You also need to be careful if you are taking anti-depressant drugs. According to the Mayo Clinic, hypertensive sufferers must also be careful when taking decongestants.

Be careful when buying over-the-counter drugs, always read the usage rules for each product and make sure you read the things that need attention on the packaging. If you take routine medication, ask the pharmacist or doctor first about possible drug interactions.

How do you best treat colds and colds?

Maybe there are many things that can make your flu worse, but remember that the best thing you can do to deal with flu is to keep your body fluids met. There are lots of fluids that can help you. Water, juice, broth, and warm water with lemon juice and honey can relieve a blocked nose. Gargling with salt water can also relieve your sore throat.

6 Flu Treatments That Really Make Flu More Severe
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