7 Effects of Cigarettes on Our Digestive System


Medical Video: Smoking Causes Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema

Smoking habits have caused around 6 million of the world's population to die each year. More than 5 million people died due to the direct impact of smoking habits, while the rest died from being exposed to cigarette smoke or becoming passive smokers. Smoking causes a lot of adverse effects on the body, one of the organs that experience its effects is the digestive system. What are the effects of smoking on the digestive system?

1. Often experience stomach acid disorders

Heartburn is a condition where you feel a painful and hot sensation in the chest. This condition is caused by an increase in stomach acid to the esophagus - the part of the throat.

Actually, between esogafus and stomach, there is a valve that serves to prevent stomach acid and food that has entered the stomach back up, called a spincher. But in people who are used to smoking, the spermter muscles become weakened resulting in acid reflux rising.

2. Causes injury to the stomach

Gastric ulcer is the effect of smoking which is characterized by the appearance of wounds in the stomach and small intestine. This wound causes a person to experience severe pain. This condition will decrease or even disappear if you stop smoking.

Smoking habits can cause blood flow to the walls of the stomach and intestines to decrease. This results in inflammation and injury. In addition, experts say that smoking habits increase the number of bacteria Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori), namely bacteria that cause infection and inflammation of the small intestine and stomach.

3. Disorders of the liver

The liver is an organ that functions to filter blood and separate substances that are still needed by the body and which ones are including poisons. But when you smoke, the ability of the liver to filter toxins from the blood decreases, because the poisons in cigarettes are too much and then accumulate to a lot if you smoke frequently. Especially if this smoking habit is accompanied by alcohol consumption habits, it can be estimated that the problem in your heart will get worse. Liver disorders caused by smoking habits are cirrhosis and liver cancer.

4. Increase the risk of Crohn's disease

Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease that occurs in the intestine and is caused by a disruption in the immune system. But in several studies it was mentioned that smoking is one of the risk factors for Crohn's disease. So, if you get used to smoking, then you have the chance to experience this disease.

Experts conclude that smoking habits can cause blood flow to the intestine to decrease, the intestinal defense system is disrupted, and there is interference with the immune system as a whole so Crohn's disease can occur in people who smoke.

5. The formation of gallstones

Some studies show that gallstones can be caused by smoking habits. Gallstones are formed from bile which hardens into stone. The size of gallstones formed in each individual is different.

6. Increase the chance to experience inflammation of the pancreas

The pancreas is an organ located in the back of the stomach and close to the duodenum. This organ plays a role in regulating blood sugar levels and the metabolism of some nutrients. In several studies it was mentioned that smoking habits increase a person's chances of experiencing inflammation of the pancreas or pancreasitis.

7. Cancer in various organs in the digestive system

Cancer cells can grow and develop anywhere and smoking can increase the risk of cancer. In the digestive system, smoking can cause cancer to grow in the mouth, vocal cords, esophagus, liver, intestines, stomach, pancreas, and rectum.

Can the effects of smoking on the digestive system be lost and cured?

Of course some digestive system disorders will disappear when you stop smoking. For example, the symptoms of gastric ulcer will subside some time after you stop smoking. What is clear, by stopping smoking the symptoms and problems that arise in the digestive system will decrease and vice versa, the more often you smoke, the more problems that arise will get worse.


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7 Effects of Cigarettes on Our Digestive System
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