7 Tips for Safe Exercising During the Cold and Windy Rainy Season


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If you can exercise regularly, don't make it the rainy season as an excuse to be absent. However, sports during the rainy season are also at risk of injury. The slippery and muddy road has a high risk of making you slip. Not to mention the risk of getting sick after rain. Psstt ... No need to worry if you know the safe tips.

1. Heating is still mandatory

warm up before exercise

Warming is a ritual that should not be missed every time you want to exercise, both in hot and windy cold weather. In fact, exercising without heating especially in cold weather increases your risk for sprains or injuries.

However, how to warm up you also should not be careless. Experts recommend that you warm up at least 15 minutes in the room first so that your body temperature can increase faster. Then, follow with a stretching motion to prevent injury.

If the condition does not allow you to warm up indoors, watch out for dynamic heating (heating is done by moving places; not staying in one place) until the body heats up.

For example if you are going to run, the dynamic warm-up needed is to walk fast or jog. Then exercise in place to stretch the thigh muscles, buttocks, lower back.

2. Use layered clothes

the danger of running with a jacket

If you continue to exercise during the rainy season, you should always use layered clothes. Ranging from the thinnest synthetic material to the thickest and can withstand strong wind and rain.

Avoid sports clothing made from cotton because it can absorb sweat. Because, clothes that are wet with sweat will make the body temperature decrease and increase the risk of hypothermia.

Hypothermia is characterized by problems with the ability to think and move easily, shivering, fatigue, drowsiness, slow and weak pulse, and collapse or unconsciousness.

But also pay attention to how thick your shirt is. On the other hand, dressing too thick can make you sweat more, making you even more shivering with cold. If you have started sweating profusely, you should reduce the layers of your clothes so that you don't get hypothermia.

3. Keep using sunblock

moisturizer for dry skin

Even though the sky is always cloudy, it doesn't mean you can skip using sunblock or sunscreen every time you exercise outside.

Clouds filter sunlight but not UV radiation. The Skin Cancer Foundation says that clouds only block at least 20% of UV light. Excessive UV exposure is a risk factor that causes aging and skin cancer.

So if you want to exercise during the rainy season you should still apply skin moisturizer, lip balm and sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 15-30.

4. Keep drinking

the need to drink water for smokers

Comfortable cold air makes us not feel thirsty so we forget to drink. In fact, we still sweat when exercising during the rainy season.

So, you should still drink water to replace lost body fluids so as not to dehydrate. In order not to forget, make an alarm for a drink break every 15-20 minutes.

If you are not sure whether you have enough or not, try checking urine color before and after exercise. The darker the color of urine, the sign you need to drink more.

5. Use gloves and a hat

To defend itself during cold weather, the body will concentrate more blood flow in the core of the body. This condition makes the ends of the body, such as the head, hands, and feet become vulnerable to cold.

So, use gloves and hats when exercising in cold temperatures. Hats can also be used to ward off drizzle which might appear suddenly when exercising.

7. Stay cool after exercise

morning exercise after dawn

Even if you exercise during the rainy season, this does not mean you have to leave the stagecooling down or cooling after exercise.

Always leave 5-10 minutes for cooling. For example by walking casually after running. This will smooth blood flow from the muscles to the heart.

Cooling helps reduce the temperature of muscles that were already hot to recover faster and avoid pain. Cooling is also very necessary to reduce muscle stiffness that is prone to occur after exercise.

7 Tips for Safe Exercising During the Cold and Windy Rainy Season
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