7 Types of Tremor Disease and How to Differentiate them


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Tremors are involuntary muscle movements that occur in one or more parts of the body. Tremor is the most common and uncontrolled body movement. Usually tremors can affect the hands, arms, head, face, voice, torso, and feet. However, most tremors occur in the hand.

In some people, tremor is a symptom of a neurological disorder or appears as a side effect of certain drugs. The most common form of tremor, however, can occur in people who were in good health. Although tremor is not a fatal condition, it can be embarrassing for people and makes it harder for them to do their daily tasks.

There are several types of tremors that can be distinguished according to the symptoms and causes. Let's look at the reviews below.

Type of tremor and how to distinguish it

1. Essential tremor

This is the most common type of tremor. Usually starts from symptoms on one side of the body. But sometimes, this tremor also affects the other side of the body. Most of these essential tremors affect the head, voice, tongue and legs.

2. Physiological tremors

This type of tremor is a tremor in the form of mild vibration without any neurological (brain) causes. It can happen to anyone, including you who is healthy. Physiological vibrations can affect all body muscle groups. Worse yet, this type of tremor can worsen if you are tired, low blood glucose levels, metal poisoning, alcohol consumption, and increased emotions.

3. Tremor dystonic

The type of dystonic tremor is the most common tremor in people who experience dystonia. Dystonia is a movement disorder in which a person experiences involuntary muscle contractions that cause twisting and repetitive movements and / or abnormal or painful positions or postures. This tremor appears irregularly. To handle it, you can rest completely. You can reduce the severity of tremor by touching the body part of the tremor.

4. Cerebellar tremor

This condition is a slow tremor that occurs in the legs. This tremor occurs at the end of a movement that you do consciously and you aim to do something, for example when you want to press a button or touch the tip of your nose. This is caused by damage to the cerebellum (cerebellum) due to multiple sclerosis, stroke, or tumor. Usually the side of the brain that is damaged is the same as the side of the leg that has tremor.

5. Tremor Parkinson

This type of tremor, sometimes also referred to as this is also called a "pill-rolling" movement because the movement looks like a thumb and fingers are twirling a pill. However, this tremor is not always caused by Parkinson's disease. Neurological diseases, infections, toxins, and certain drugs can also cause this tremor.

6. Psychogenic tremor

This condition is also often called functional tremor, which can appear as a form of tremor. This type of tremor experiences symptoms that are generally not realized by those who experience it. In some cases, this tremor occurs because it is only caused by suggestion.

Because many patients with psychogenic tremors have mental disorders (defined as psychological disorders that produce physical symptoms) or other psychiatric illnesses.

7. Orthostatic tremor

This condition is characterized by rhythmic muscle contractions that occur in the legs and torso as soon as you stand up. The person usually feels more imbalance that is felt when standing than orthostatic tremors. This tremor usually disappears after sitting for a while.

7 Types of Tremor Disease and How to Differentiate them
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