Be Careful, Eating Too Much Fuel Can Cause Cancer


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Almost everyone likes grilled meat. Meat processing by burning gives a distinctive taste to the meat, making the meat taste even more delicious. Who doesn't like it? However, you should not consume too much roasted meat. Why?

Burning meat causes carcinogenic compounds to form

Do you know? It turns out that burning meat can cause the formation of carcinogenic compounds that can cause cancer. Burning that occurs at high temperatures can cause a reaction which then forms carcinogenic compounds called heterocyclic amine (HCA) and policyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH).

HCA is formed when amino acids (contained in protein), sugar, and creatine (compounds in muscles) react at high temperatures. Meat itself contains high amino acids so that more HCA compounds can form if you burn meat in high temperatures.

Whereas, PAHs are formed when the fat and liquid in the meat comes out and drips into the burning flame, causing flames and smoke to emerge. Smoke containing PAH is then attached to the meat. PAH compounds themselves are not only formed when burning meat, but can also be found in other scorched foods, cigarette smoke, and vehicle fumes.

However, this HCA and PAH compound can not directly cause cancer. Both of these compounds can cause cancer if they have caused damage to DNA. To be able to damage DNA, HCA and PAH must be metabolized or activated first by certain enzymes in the body. Thus, the influence of meat consumption on cancer risk may be different for each individual.

Is there a way to reduce HCA and PAH compounds in grilled meat?

You need to know, the formation of HCA and PAH compounds depends on the type of meat, cooking method, and the level of maturity of the meat (how long the meat is burned). So, you can control these three factors to reduce the formation of HCA and PAH compounds.

Types of meat that contain high protein and fat can form more HCA and PAH compounds during combustion. Therefore, eating grilled fish may be better than grilled meat.

However, there are some things you can do to reduce the formation of HCA and PAH compounds in grilled meat, namely:

  • Marinate meat before burning. The American Institute for Cancer Research says that the meat's marvel at least 30 minutes before being burned can reduce the formation of HCA. You can marinate meat with ingredients, such as lemon, garlic, turmeric, mint leaves, or onions.
  • Avoid burning meat for a long time. The longer the meat is exposed to high temperatures (especially above 300C), the more HCA and PAH compounds are formed. To cut the burning time, you can cook the meat first to half cooked, and then burn it. Or, you can also cut the meat into smaller pieces so it cooks faster.
  • Reverses meat continuously during combustion. This can reduce the formation of HCA in meat by 75-95% according to research published in the Nutrition Action Healthletter, compared to just letting the meat cook on one side and then turning it one or two times.
  • Avoid eating charred parts of meat, this part contains high HCA and PAH.
  • Don't forget to clean the grill from carcinogenic residues that stick after you finish baking. Also do this before you start burning meat.
Be Careful, Eating Too Much Fuel Can Cause Cancer
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