Beware, High Doses of Ibuprofen Can Increase Risk of Infertile Men


Medical Video: Regular Ibuprofen Use May Contribute To Male Infertility According To New Research | TIME

Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) drug. This medicine is usually used to relieve aches and pains in the body, such as fever, headache, toothache, menstrual pain, muscle aches, arthritis, and so on. Although ibuprofen is one of the important drugs in the medical field, a recent study says that men who take the drug ibuprofen for a long time are at high risk of experiencing fertility problems. How come?

Overview of the ibuprofen drug

The main function of ibuprofen is to reduce pain in the body without causing drowsiness. When you feel pain, pain, or experience inflammation, your body will naturally produce chemicals called prostagladin. Now, this ibuprofen is responsible for stopping the prostaglandins produced by the body, so that the pain and pain that you feel is gone.

Ibuprofen is a type of generic drug contained in various types of branded drugs such as Brufen, Calprofen, Genpril, Mother, Midol, Nuprin, Cuprofen, Nurofen, Advil, Motrin, and many more. So if you take one of the drugs mentioned earlier, you take ibuprofen.

Men who take high-dose ibuprofen drugs are at risk of developing fertility problems

Although ibuprofen is often used as a potent remedy to eliminate various aches, unfortunately long-term use in high doses can provide harmful side effects to the body.

This is based on the results of a new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Experts in the study found that men who took 1,200 mg of ibuprofen per day for six weeks had a higher risk of developing hormonal conditions related to reproductive problems.

In this study it was found that men who took high-dose ibuprofen drugs over the long term had an increase in luteinzing (LH) levels of 23 percent.

Changes in luteinzing hormone levels indicate reproductive disorders

Luteinzing hormone itself is a hormone that regulates reproductive function in both men and women. In men, the hormone released by the putitary gland is responsible for spermatogenising and testosterone production. Well, the level of luteinizing hormone that is higher than normal can indicate a problem in the testis.

Despite changes in LH levels, testosterone levels in men are known to experience no change. Well, that shows that the body has developed a condition called ‘compensated hypogadism‘That is a condition that occurs when testosterone production decreases. Generally these conditions occur among older men and are associated with reproductive and physical disorders, such as infertility, erectile dysfunction, depression, loss of bone and muscle mass, and several other symptoms.

Unfortunately the research was carried out on a small scale, so further studies were needed to confirm the results. In addition, the study also did not mention whether the same hormonal effects would be seen in men taking a lower dose of ibuprofen for a long time or not. That is why, researchers suggest not taking ibuprofen tablets more than 1,200 mg per day, except by prescription.

Beware, High Doses of Ibuprofen Can Increase Risk of Infertile Men
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