Beware of 5 Symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel which Looks Trivial But Harmful


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Do you have a stomach ache lately? This symptom is indeed very common and can be caused by any condition. However, if you experience it often enough, do not underestimate these symptoms. Because the stomach ache can be a symptom of inflammation of the intestine.So, what are the characteristics of intestinal inflammation to watch out for? What are the causes of intestinal inflammation?

Recognize the causes of intestinal inflammation

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Inflammation of the intestine is a disease that can attack the small intestine or large intestine which is usually caused by bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections.

1. Virus infection

The virus that can cause inflammation of the intestine is norovirus. Viruses that attack this small intestine usually enter from contaminated food. Novovirus can also move easily through physical contact or holding objects affected by vomit from an infected person.

This viral infection will cause nutrients difficult to be absorbed by the body to eventually cause a lack of certain nutrients.

2. Bacterial infections

Just like novovirus infections, bacteria that cause inflammation of the intestine can spread and spread from food. However, this time most bacteria are found in undercooked foods, such as eggs, red meat, and poultry meat.

Some of the bacteria found in foods that are not mature and are the cause of intestinal inflammation are Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, and E. coli.

When it enters the body, the bacteria will be directly attached to the intestinal walls and remove toxins. These toxins cause various symptoms of inflammatory bowel appearing, such as diarrhea and dehydration.

3. Parasitic infections

Parasites that cause the symptoms of inflammation of the intestine are Giardia. The parasitic infection makes the small intestine unable to absorb fluids properly, causing the body to expel a lot of fluid.

Therefore, the characteristics of intestinal inflammation that arise if you get a parasitic infection are diarrhea.Giarda is found in water such as swimming pools or lakes. You can experience giardia infection if you accidentally swallowed the parasite contaminated water.

Because inflammatory bowel disease is caused by infection, it is important to maintain sanitation and cleanliness of the environment and the environment. Get used to wash your hands before eating and after from the bathroom.

Also avoid eating undercooked foods and pay attention to the processing of foods you will consume.

What are the symptoms of inflammation of the intestine that you should watch out for?

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Don't be fooled, the characteristics of intestinal inflammation do look light. However, you should be aware of the following features of intestinal inflammation.

1. Diarrhea

The most common feature of intestinal inflammation is diarrhea. Diarrhea usually appears early, when viruses, parasites, or bacteria begin to infect digestion. The infection makes the intestine unable to hold the water out, so you experience diarrhea.

2. Fever

Another symptom of intestinal inflammation is fever. Fever generally occurs when the body detects a foreign substance that attacks, whether it's a parasite, a virus, or a bacterium.At that time, white blood cells increase and make the body increase its normal temperature, until finally a fever develops.

3. The weight dropped dramatically

When you diarrhea and lose fluids, your weight also drops. Because the water is the largest composition of the body, so that if the amount decreases it will affect body weight. Weight loss can also be caused because the intestine cannot absorb nutrients properly.

4. Decreased appetite

When diarrhea, stomach pain, and digestion do not feel comfortable, you may experience a decrease in appetite.

This characteristic of intestinal inflammation can also occur due to the body not getting enough nutrition. Because, some nutrients such as magnesium and zinc minerals play a role in regulating appetite.

5. Bloody bowel

If your inflammatory bowel condition is severe, the symptoms that will arise are bloody bowel movements. Blood coming out of the stool indicates that there is a wound in the digestive tract caused by inflammation.

How to diagnose intestinal inflammation?


If you experience the characteristics of intestinal inflammation, you should immediately consult a doctor. That way you know, how severe inflammation of the intestine suffered.

To diagnose intestinal inflammation, the doctor will ask you to do several tests, such as:

  • Blood test, to find out if you have anemia or lack of certain nutrients.
  • Laboratory tests, to determine the cause of intestinal inflammation that is experienced.

If needed, the doctor will also do an endoscope, which is to insert a tool into the digestive tract to see the conditions inside and take a little tissue to examine.

Some imaging procedures such as X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and small bowel imaging can also be done, to provide convincing results.

If it has been diagnosed, what treatment should I do?

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Treatment that is done generally aims to reduce the symptoms suffered. For example, giving drugs to stop diarrhea and overcome fever. The treatment method given also depends on the cause of each case.

If caused by bacteria, the doctor will give antibiotics. While if inflammation of the intestine is caused by a virus, the doctor may give drugs to boost the immune system. That way, the body's immune system will directly fight the infection virus.

If it is not known and handled quickly, this disease will become chronic and cause other health problems. Therefore, you should protect the health of you and your family with health insurance that can be used at any time if something unexpected happens.

Beware of 5 Symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel which Looks Trivial But Harmful
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