Beware of the Dangers of Body Fattening Drugs, KIANPI Pill


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Just as efforts to lose weight, fattening the body can also be said to be just as difficult for some people who are already too thin. That may be why many people prefer to use instant methods by taking body fat drugs, KIANPI pills. But is fattening in this way safe without side effects?

Is that KIANPI pill, body fat medicine?

KIANPI pill is a body fat remedy that is formulated from traditional herbal ingredients. This pill is said to be able to increase appetite, optimize the work of the digestive tract, maximize absorption of nutrients, and improve the immune system as a whole. Drug manufacturers, the Kweilin Drug Manufacturer, claim that this body fattening drug can increase 2-3 kilograms of weight in just one week without excessive fat accumulation.

In order to achieve the desired results, the drug must be taken two capsules before going to bed at night. The KIANPI pill is intended for consumption for people aged over 15 years to 60 years, and is not recommended for use during driving, also during pregnancy and lactation.

What are the ingredients in the KIANPI pill?

Some of the main ingredients used to concoct this body fat medicine include dong quai (Angelica sinensis), panax ginseng root, and ba ji tian (Morinda officinialis).

Dong quai is a ginseng family plant that is often used as a herbal medicine to treat a number of conditions, such as premature ejaculation, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), constipation, joint pain, and high blood pressure. Dong quai has the effect of estrogen and may affect hormones in the body. Dong quai also contains coumarin, which gives this drug a blood thinning effect. In one capsule, KIANPI pills containing 20 milligrams of extract are dong quai.

Ba ji tian, or known by the Latin name Morinda officinialis, is a mulberry family plant. Ba ji tian root has been used for generations in traditional Chinese medicine to strengthen bones and joints, overcome infertility, improve irregular menstruation, and other sexual health problems. Ba ji tian is also used to relieve back pain and muscle shrinkage. This plant contains amino acids, beta sitosterol, and calcium. In one capsule, the KIANPI pill contains 22 milligrams of ba ji tian extract.

Panax ginseng is also known as Korean red ginseng. Red ginseng has been used in traditional Chinese medicine as an energy-enhancing supplement that also functions to improve heart health, overcome impotence, and increase sexual desire in menopausal women. In one capsule, the KIANPI pill contains 28 milligrams of panax ginseng root extract.

How does the KIANPI pill work in fattening the body?

Of the three main active ingredients contained in the KIANPI pill, the hormone estrogen seems to play a major role behind the benefits claim to fattening this body. Estrogen is a hormone that is important for human sexual and reproductive development. Although known as the female sex hormone, estrogen is also owned by men and is equally important in maintaining their bodily functions.

Women produce estrogen in the ovary (and in the placenta during pregnancy), while men produce estrogen in the testes. The adrenal glands and fat cells also produce estrogen. Estrogen levels usually decrease with age, especially for menopausal women. The body of people who are too thin has very little fat, which causes the body to lose estrogen levels.

KIANPI pills are expected to work to increase the hormone estrogen in a body that is too thin. Thus, an increase in estrogen can increase the formation of body fat which can eventually fatten the body. High levels of estrogen have been linked to fat formation in the hip, stomach and thigh area.

What is the danger of taking KIANPI pill body fat medicine?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns consumers not to buy or use KIANPI pills to fatten the body. Lab test results in the United States report that this body fat drug contains dexamethasone, a corticostreoid commonly used to treat inflammation, and cyproheptadine, a prescription antihistamine drug used to treat allergic reactions.

Inappropriate use of corticosteroids can interfere with the body's ability to fight infection, causing a dramatic surge in blood sugar levels, muscle injuries, and psychiatric symptoms. When corticosteroids are consumed for a long time or at high doses, this can inhibit the work of the adrenal gland and cause symptoms of drug pain when stopped suddenly.

In some people, long-term use of corticosteroids can cause moon face, a condition that causes the shape of the face to turn round due to accumulation of fat on the sides of the face. Other common side effects of corticosteroid use include acne, gynecomastia (breast enlargement in men), temporary testicular shrinkage, and joint pain.

On the other hand, antihistamines can cause drowsiness and affect mental alertness. This is the reason why KIANPI pills should not be taken while driving.

In Indonesia it has been banned

This body fat medicine works to increase estrogen levels in the body. What needs to be understood is that too high estrogen levels have been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer.

And, even though fat in the hips and thighs is not dangerous, it's another story with fat in the stomach. Stomach fat buildup has been linked to diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and even some other types of cancer. In addition, medicinal ingredients not listed on the label may cause serious side effects when combined with other drugs.

Not only that. To be able to circulate in Indonesia, food supplements and herbal medicines must obtain official approval from the Food and Drug Supervisory Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPOM RI) to prove their effectiveness and safety. But in 2015, BPOM announced that the KIANPI pill was one of 54 brands of dangerous herbal medicines because they contained medicinal chemicals and did not have a marketing permit number from BPOM.

Beware of the Dangers of Body Fattening Drugs, KIANPI Pill
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