Blood Pressure Rises After Surgery, Danger Or Not?


Medical Video: High Blood Pressure | Hypertension | Nucleus Health

After undergoing certain medical operations, there are indeed several body reactions that make you feel uncomfortable, such as nausea. In fact, sometimes blood pressure can go up and not go down after more than two days. This might make you worried. Therefore, learn more about blood pressure rising after the operation below.

Get to know blood pressure

Normal blood pressure ranges from 120 mmHg for upper blood pressure (systolic) and 80 for lower blood pressure (diastolic). You can be classified as hypertension (high blood pressure) if the number shows more than 140 systolic and more than 90 diastolic.

In general, high blood pressure should be watched out. The problem is, the higher the blood pressure, the harder work from the heart to pump blood out of the body. This can increase the risk of atherosclerosis, kidney failure and stroke and heart attack.

What does it mean if blood pressure rises after surgery?

Basically, all surgical or surgical processes can cause side effects. One of them is an increase in blood pressure. Apparently, blood pressure rises after surgery may indeed occur and can be explained medically. This symptom can occur to anyone, even when you do not have symptoms of hypertension before. The following are some of the causes of increased blood pressure after surgery.


Pain can occur after surgery. The pain process can cause blood pressure to rise from normal. However, the increase in blood pressure is temporary and blood pressure will return to normal after the pain has been overcome. For example by taking painkillers.

Stop taking hypertension medication

If you routinely take drugs to reduce blood pressure then you should stop taking the drug, you may experience an increase in blood pressure. Usually before undergoing surgery the patient is asked to fast first. As a result, you might miss the usual dose of hypertension medication. Therefore, it is important to discuss the condition of your health with the medical team before the operation.

Effects of drugs

The drugs used to make you sleep when the surgery takes place can also have an effect on your blood pressure. In fact, when you have just fallen asleep, blood pressure can increase dramatically, ranging from 20 to 30mmHg.

Oxygen content of the body

When you are sedated, tissue in your body needs a lot of oxygen. Well, it could be that there are some tissues in the body that don't get oxygen properly. This condition is called hypoxemia. This is what will cause blood pressure to rise after surgery.


There are several types of drugs that are very widely available on the market and can increase blood pressure. Some of them are pain relievers, namely paracetamol (acetaminophen), ibuprofen, naproxen, to piroxicam.

Does blood pressure rise when surgery is dangerous?

Basically, changes in blood pressure after surgery are common. High blood pressure or hypertension will decrease continuously after surgery. Usually it also does not take a long time until the blood pressure number reaches the normal limit again, which is between one and 48 hours.

If it's been more than two days your blood pressure has not dropped, it even occurs for days after, you need to contact the doctor further.

Blood Pressure Rises After Surgery, Danger Or Not?
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