Can you heat rice repeatedly?


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Sometimes, there can be leftover rice not consumed even though you have really measured the portion to fit the number of people at home. If this is the case, what do you usually do? Storing the remaining rice to be reheated at the next meal time? Heating rice is okay, but you have to be careful, you know!

Because, eating rice that is heated can cause food poisoning. No, not from the heating method. However, more about how you store the remaining rice before reheating.

Why can heating rice make food poisoning?

Many people who are accustomed to storing leftover rice are only on the dining table before finally being reheated. You might be one of them? This is what can actually increase the risk of food poisoning.

Before you panic without fuss, it is again confirmed that heating rice is okay. Which raises the risk of food poisoning is not from the heating process, but rather how to store the remaining rice before finally being heated again.

Raw uncooked rice can contain Bacillus cereus spores. These bacteria can still survive even after the rice is cooked. Now when cooked rice is allowed to cool at room temperature, the bacteria can multiply and produce poisons that are often the cause of food poisoning.

The longer the rice is left sitting at room temperature before it is reheated, the more toxins produced by these bacteria, so the possibility is that rice is no longer safe for consumption. Even though it is heated many times, the bacteria in the rice will not die because it is physically strong enough to go through the high-temperature cooking process.

Therefore, more safe not to heat the rice many times because that means you also repeatedly let the rice cool at room temperature before heating it again. What is available, Bacillus cereus spores will actually increase.

If you eat rice containing Bacillus cereus, you may experience vomiting or diarrhea for about 1 to 5 hours afterwards. The symptoms are relatively mild and usually last around 24 hours.

Tips for storing, cooking, and heating rice

White rice

Ideally, serve the rice warm as soon as it is cooked and finish it immediately. Do not leave the rice to cool at the temperature of the room open for more than 1 hour.

But if in reality there is rice left over, quickly chill leftover food by dividing it into shallow food containers, close tightly and immediately store the still hot rice in the refrigerator or freezer. Do this ideally in 1 hour since the rice is cooked. Store the rice in the refrigerator for no more than 1 day until the time is reheated.

Follow the tips below when you want to heat the rice before serving it again.

Tips for heating leftover rice

1. With a microwave

  • Place the rice in an open container that can enter the microwave.
  • Add 1-2 tablespoons of water
  • Heat for 3-4 minutes at 73º Celsius. If unsure, use a food thermometer.
  • Serve immediately.

2. With sauteing

If you want to heat rice with sautéing, follow the method below:

  • Saute the rice on a skillet that is slightly oily in medium heat.
  • Cold rice usually clots. Well, keep stirring the rice until the lump separates.
  • Make sure the temperature in the rice is at least 73 degrees Celsius
  • Serve immediately while still warm.

3. By steaming

  • Fill half the depth of the steamer / steamer with water. Wait until it boils.
  • Add the remaining rice you have placed in a stainless bowl or a small pan.
  • Cover the steam and heat the rice thoroughly, stirring occasionally.
  • Serve immediately when warm

When you heat the rice, always check the rice is really hot, steaming all the heat (down to the bottom of the rice). Don't heat the rice more than once.

Can you heat rice repeatedly?
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