Cannabis or Alcohol, Which Is More Dangerous?


Medical Video: Weed is not more dangerous than alcohol

Questions about more which hazards between cannabis or alcohol are still often debated. The pattern of use between marijuana and alcohol which is often used in the long run makes them very difficult to compare. The harmful effects of alcohol and marijuana consumption, both new will show health effects in the long run. So, is it more dangerous for marijuana or alcohol? This is the answer.

There are 10 substances that are more dangerous than marijuana

Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) or also called marijuana is a cultivation crop that is often misused. Marijuana leaves contain tetrahydrokanabinol compounds or often abbreviated as THC which have psychoactive effects or can affect the brain nerves and psychiatric conditions.

The most typical effect when sucking on marijuana leaves is euphoria or happiness to laugh for no reason, then be followed by hallucinations or see things that are not real.

Because the effect directly triggers behavior change, marijuana is always seen as something very dangerous.

A study conducted by a group of scientists from Germany and Canada at least noted that there are 10 substances that are more lethal than marijuana, including some legal substances, such as alcohol and nicotine, which are contained in a cigarette.

According to research, is it more dangerous for marijuana or alcohol?

The danger of marijuana or alcohol is still often debated. In a study published in the journal Scentific Report, writing that excessive amounts of alcohol were 100 times more dangerous than using marijuana.

According to this study, the risk of marijuana is still much lower than alcohol. In the study, the researchers calculated the health risks of each drug by looking at a measure called the exposure margin (MOE) which was the ratio for the ratio of the amount of drug needed to kill someone. The calculation method is simple, if the MOE ratio is low, the drug is deadly.

When tested, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient in marijuana, has an MOE of more than 100. This means it does not fit the criteria of "killing" MOE. Conversely, the ratio of MOE from alcohol, heroin, cocaine, and nicotine is in the number 10. A sufficient ratio of numbers to take someone's life.

Whereas other substances, such as MDMA, methamphetamine, methadone (narcotics that are often used medical treatment other than heroin), amphetamines (stimulants for narcolepsy drugs and hyperactivity), and diazepam, a little risky. Because, the MOE ratio of these drugs is between 10 and 100.

Even so, the MOE ratio is still debated among scientists. The reason is, the MOE ratio is based on animal data. Therefore, it is unethical to juxtapose it with humans.

The effect of over-consumed marijuana is the same as alcohol overdose

The use of alcohol is indeed more monitored, there are 88,000 deaths per year due to consuming too much alcohol. Although the effect of death on marijuana use is not certain, it does not mean that this substance is not dangerous. Research into the effects of marijuana on health is still being studied.

According to Ruben Baler, a health scientist at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the impact of cannabis use is far more subtle. Cannabis affects the cardiovascular system and increases heart rate and blood pressure.

If marijuana is consumed in excessive amounts at one time, the effect is the same as alcohol overdose.

According to the Director of the Division of Metabolism and Health Effects at the United States National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Gary Murray, marijuana can affect health in an indirect way.

Because marijuana can damage coordination and balance, there is a risk of hurting yourself, especially if someone is driving or doing other activities that require concentration.

The debate about the danger of marijuana or alcohol continues. However, you must remember that marijuana that is illegal in Indonesia or alcohol has the potential to harm your health.

Cannabis or Alcohol, Which Is More Dangerous?
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