Carnivorous Diet with Predators, Is It Really Healthy and Effective to Reduce Weight?


Medical Video: Carnivore Diet- weight loss?

Diet is something that is often done, to lose weight and have an ideal body shape. There are many types of diets that we encounter, one of them is by reducing the amount of carbohydrate intake and eating foods with high protein. How to diet by becoming a carnivore (meat eater) is often referred to as tiger diet (tiger diet). However, is a diet like this healthy for the body?

What is a carnivorous diet?

The carnivore diet is done by eating foods that are low in carbohydrates and high in protein. Those who do this type of diet will reduce carbohydrate intake by 30-90 percent. Though foods that contain carbohydrates, generally also high in fiber, vitamins and other minerals needed by the body.

Conversely, protein intake will be increased. Protein is indeed a nutrient needed by the body. In a day, the protein needed is around 0.8 gram / kilogram of body weight. So for example you weigh 50 kilograms. Multiply 50 by 0.8 which is 40. So you need 40 grams of protein per day.

With a high-protein diet, protein intake will be increased above the need, being as much as 1.2-1.4 grams / kg of body weight. So if you weigh 50 kilograms, multiply by 1.2 to 1.4. That means, your daily protein needs increase to 60 to 70 grams per day.

Based on internal research The Journal of Nutrition, a diet with low carbohydrate and high protein foods can indeed trigger faster weight loss compared to those who use a high-fiber diet method. This is because a high-protein diet makes you reduce carbohydrates, so the body eventually uses fat as an energy source. Because the fat reserves are used, your weight will also decrease.

In addition, protein will also provide a longer feeling of satiety compared to carbohydrates, so you can control your appetite and can eat in smaller amounts.

mostly eat meat

Is this diet good for health?

A carnivore diet can indeed help you lose weight. However, losing weight is not necessarily healthier, you know. It turns out that a diet with high protein foods can cause several things that can interfere with health. Here's the explanation.

1. Ketoasdosis

Under normal circumstances, the body uses glucose (sugar) from carbohydrates to be converted into an energy source. In a high-protein diet, you won't eat a lot of carbohydrates like rice or potatoes. Therefore, the body finally breaks down fat to be used as energy.

However, when the body uses fat reserves as energy, the body will also produce a substance called ketone. Most ketones in the body cause risk ketoasdosis. This condition is characterized by symptoms of nausea, vomiting, dry skin, frequent urination, continued thirst, and difficulty breathing.

2. Heart and blood vessel disease

Although it has been proven that carnivorous diets can reduce weight, a diet like this may actually increase the risk of being affected heart disease. The problem is, when you choose foods that are high in protein, you ultimately increase your cholesterol and high fat intake because you choose the wrong diet menu.

For example, if you consume milk, fatty meat, and ice cream as a diet menu choice. These foods can reduce blood vessel function, increase cholesterol levels, and actually contain high calories.

3. Osteoporosis

A high-protein diet can cause the body to lack a mineral called phosphoric acid. As a result, the ability of the bones to absorb calcium is reduced. In addition, the presence of high protein intake can encourage the removal of calcium through urine (urine). Finally, the bones lack calcium and become brittle. Fragile bones can certainly develop osteoporosis.

high protein diet, is it good?

So, can you do a carnivore diet?

Actually the most important key to losing weight is not an extreme diet method, but discipline to start a healthy life. Even though it's done slowly, yes.

If you really want to try this one diet method, you should first consult a doctor or nutritionist. Health workers will help you design changes in the safest and most appropriate diet for each person which is certainly different.

Carnivorous Diet with Predators, Is It Really Healthy and Effective to Reduce Weight?
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