Causes of Travel Drunkenness and How to Overcome It


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Motion sickness is not something new for the body to feel. When traveling by car, plane, or ship it is not uncommon for the body to want to vomit, become weak and dizzy without cause. Why does the body sometimes react like that during the trip? Is there a way to prevent being drunk during the trip? Consider the causes and ways to prevent them below.

Cause You get trip motion sickness

From the physical side

Travel sickness can be experienced by anyone, vulnerability experienced by pregnant women and children when traveling to a place. For people who travel on ships, planes or even cars, this nausea and dizziness is referred to as motion sicknessor "disease" caused by movement. Why is his name like this?

Well, getting drunk during travel is caused by mixed signals sent to the brain by the eyes and inner ear. But, in fact when we are in a moving vehicle, your body must be in a sitting or silent position, but your eyes and ears look around during the trip. This is what is calledmotion sickness, because your vision and hearing move, but your body is actually just silent.

Then, for a body that is not used to this, the brain will send signals to the body. The part of the brain called the thalamus will look for what information is wrong with your body. After getting a conclusion from your body, it usually often ends in the conclusion that your body is poisoned. So that your brain will react to remove toxins in the body by vomiting or at least sending nausea and dizziness reactions.

From the side of the vehicle

This motion sickness condition is also triggered or aggravated by sharp smells and does not wear like cigarette smoke and vehicle deodorizer. Because during the trip you cannot move or avoid, the body exposed to the aroma will react to refuse. Body reactions are usually carried out by arousing nausea and dizziness.

Lack of oxygen and high levels of carbon dioxide in the vehicle, and the suspension system of vehicles that are not good and uneven roads are also a separate influence on your natural motion sickness.

Other risk factors that cause you to get drunk can be caused by fear and anxiety during the trip. Poor travel ventilation and even your inability to see the conditions outside the window of the vehicle you are riding.

Tips to prevent motion sickness

1. Eat before traveling

Nausea during the trip is actually also caused by an empty stomach. The stomach will increase stomach acid to rise to the top and cause nausea. Especially if you previously had a history of poor stomach health. Then try to eat 1-1.5 hours before traveling. Also avoid oily foods, spicy foods, and soft drinks that will worsen nausea and dizziness on the trip

2. Take anti-motion sickness drugs

This is the safest and simplest thing to do. This hangover drug usually if taken will cause deep drowsiness. Your eyes and ears will automatically "rest" the sensor and avoid nausea on the trip.

3. Avoid playing gadget or read a book, don't forget to rest

Play gadget or reading a book when the trip will only make your eyes, ears, and brain messed up in digesting information. By doing these activities you will only increase the risk of nausea and dizziness. Don't forget to rest your body. If you feel sleepy and tired, don't force yourself to stay awake, let your body rest so you can fresh back during the trip.

Causes of Travel Drunkenness and How to Overcome It
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