Don't Choose Snooze When the Sound Alarm! This is the danger for health.


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Listening to the sound of a sound alarm in the morning makes you feel disturbed. Press the button snooze or snooze so it's something you almost certainly do in the morning to get extra sleep, even if only for a few minutes. Although it seems trivial, it turns out the habit of usingsnoozecan interfere with health, you know!

Why does it feel so hard when I wake up?

The body has several mechanisms so you can wake up and move in the morning. One way is to heat up your body's core temperature, so you feel more alert and not drowsy.

As explained by a sleep disorders specialist at Stanford University Sleep of Medicine Center, Dr. Rafael Paleyo, this condition will begin around 2 hours before the body feels ready to wake up.

If you don't get enough sleep, the air of your room feels very cold, the bed feels very comfortable. Wake up becomes very difficult.

Basically the body has a sleep cycle. Reported on the WebMD page, the human sleep cycle continues to rotate between non-REM sleep and REM sleep. REM itself israpid eye movement, that is the period where you fall asleep is quite slow, but your brain is working actively. That's why dreams, delirium, or sleepwalking usually occur in this phase of sleep.

Whereas in the phase of non-REM sleep, the brain is adjusting to rest. Non-REM is still divided into three stages, namely sleeping chicken (semi-conscious), before sleeping soundly, and sleeping soundly (very deep sleep).

Well, if the alarm sounds when you are in a very deep non-REM phase, you will feel even harder to wake up. You can even feel dazed, irritable, and not feeling well.

Get up immediately, don't press the buttonsnooze sound alarm time

The body needs a few moments to prepare you to wake up, aka cut the sleep cycle. The more often you delay waking up, the body will think, "This alarm is wrong! Looks like I don't need to do anything. ”Finally, you will easily choose the option snoozeor even ignore the sound of your alarm at all.

After pressing the button snooze and sleep again, the body will repeat this sleep cycle again from the beginning.

A few minutes later the alarm sounds again and you will be very surprised. This is not your natural response to wake up. This shock and irritation is called sleep inertia. This sleep inertia is a feeling of irritation, surprise, and orientation that arises when you wake up from a very deep sleep.

Then if you continue to postpone it again, the body will be increasingly confused with your sleep cycle. As a result, this habit makes the body feel free to sleep for anything. In fact, some people just wake up to 2-4 hours from the original alarm time. Because, the body does not know when to actually wake up and when to sleep.

the benefits of getting up in the afternoon

Apart from oversleeping, what is the impact if you often postpone waking time?

The body is less fresh when you wake up

According to Dr. Chris Winter in Men’s Health, when you sleep and wake up to turn off the alarm, you can wake up less refreshed. This is related to hormones in the body. When the body starts to wake up, the sleep hormone that is scientifically melatonin will decrease, while the hormone cortisol as the encouraging hormone will increase. This regulation can occur because of the cooperation between chemicals in the brain namely, serotonin, dopamine, and adrenaline.

Now, when a person suspends waking up with a delay during an alarm, the brain will be confused when the time for change gets up and sleep should be.

As a result, the body is not driven by the regulation of the hormone cortisol which should increase optimally. Fresh or vibrant effects when you wake up become lower than you should.

Your sleep quality is reduced

The goal of sleep is to be able to provide optimal recovery to the body after daily activities. So that tomorrow the body will be fresher and more energetic. However, when you sleep-wake-up to delay the alarm, your body does not really rest. Your rest time is cut apart so that the recovery of the body is not as optimal as people who sleep soundly and immediately wake up when it's time.

Interrupting morning routine

According to Dr. Chris Winter, frequency of delay when you wake up can also interfere with your morning routine, for example defecating in the morning. Especially for some people who do have cycles every morning to defecate.

Ideally, when you wake up this will trigger muscle movements in the digestive system to actively move food out of the body.

However, when you postpone waking up by sleeping again and sleeping again, the body does not get a signal to trigger the movement of the digestive system muscles to become more active this removes leftover food from the body. As a result, this can change the cycle of your bowel movements.

up early

How do you get up?

1. Focus on the goal

Remember what purpose you want to wake up in the morning. For example, you have promised friends for morning exercise, or maybe today you want to be the first person to arrive at the office. Give the name of your alarm your phone according to your goal so that it's easy to remember.

2. Don't put an alarm or cellphone next to your bed

If the alarm position is too close, it will be too easy to press the button snooze. You only move the hand a little and then press the button. Preferably, place the alarm further away so you need to walk a few steps. That way you have to get out of bed to squeeze it.

3. Sleep early

If you can't help sleeping again, maybe you still lack sleep. Try sleeping 30 minutes before the time you sleep normally. That way, you can better resist getting up completely when the alarm sounds.

If you put an alarm too fast, which is when you are still in a deep sleep phase, it will be difficult to wake your body.That's why actually installing the most effective alarm is when the body is really ready to wake up.

4. Allow sunlight to enter

Sun exposure can trigger your body's biological clock (circadian rhythm) to wake up and make your body feel energized. Open the curtains slightly in the morning. Or if there is no window, immediately turn on the lights or open the room door.

Don't Choose Snooze When the Sound Alarm! This is the danger for health.
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