Giving Support to a Partner or a Positive Relative of HIV


Medical Video: My Life With HIV

What people with HIV / AIDS must go through (ODHA) is sometimes too difficult to live with. However, if you can provide good support, you can greatly help improve their condition. Your love and support are needed by the closest people when they experience adversity.

What can you do when a partner, friend, or family member is convicted of HIV?

Get to know the disease

The first thing you need to do is enrich yourself as much as possible with the latest information and basic knowledge about this disease so you can help them. You need to know the facts about HIV, how it spreads, how to prevent it, how HIV develops, and how HIV affects patients. Without proper care, the immune system will be affected, which will make the development of HIV more serious. Until now, researchers have not been able to find a cure for HIV, but some combination treatments can help fight the virus. Learning these things can help you understand the diseases they face better.

Invite them to talk

Tell them that you are the person who will always be by their side to listen to their complaints and all their feelings. Remember that HIV patients often have difficulty opening up and talking about their illness. Therefore, you must create an atmosphere that makes them feel comfortable talking. Be open and approach them. Supporting mood and physical health is also needed to improve their condition.

Let them stay actively involved in the daily routine

Don't let HIV sentences make them feel useless. The person you love doesn't want to feel a burden to you. So you can let them take part in homework like a healthy person in general. Sharing homework assignments is a good thing to do. That way, the people closest to you will not blame themselves as a burden on others.

Help them stay optimistic

After being convicted of HIV and in the middle of a struggle with treatment, your loved ones need to remain optimistic. A positive attitude can help them fight disease. People closest to you can remain optimistic about their activities, especially doing spiritual exercises that can encourage them. These activities motivate them to live healthier lives, so that they can find meaning from life and try to fight HIV.

Give enthusiasm for outside activities

There is no benefit in keeping patients with HIV in bed. They need to go out and join the community. This can help them not feel isolated or alone. Many social activities are available and suitable for people with HIV. Take the person closest to you to the theater, to a friend's house or take a walk that can give them enthusiasm when the mood is down.

Giving support to the closest person convicted of HIV can cause stress even though the symptoms are resolved effectively. Some of the tips above can help support patients with HIV. If it doesn't work, you can discuss it with your doctor to help deal with the problem.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Giving Support to a Partner or a Positive Relative of HIV
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