Hot Tongue Due to Food Too Hot? Here's how to deal with it


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Nowadays there are many restaurants that offer the choice to cook their own food at the table, it's fun when we can determine the maturity level of the food we want to eat. There are also those who serve fast food with hot plate, where we have to wait for the food to cook first by stirring it up. However, even hunger is sometimes unbearable, the steam rising from food makes us want to quickly taste it.

Finally we decided to taste the hot food as soon as possible, just blew it for a while then devoured it. Suddenly our tongue feels a sensation like burning. Have you ever experienced that? As a result, the tongue becomes tired and the taste of food cannot be tasted properly. The incident accidentally eats and drinks hot drinks is not only once or twice, sometimes we forget to sip coffee or other drinks that are still hot. What's the solution?

How do you deal with hot tongues?

Hot tongue has a different level of heat sensation. The difference is determined by how many layers are injured, as follows:

  • First level: burns on the tongue only in the outer layer. The effects experienced are pain, besides that your tongue will experience swelling and redness
  • Second level: burning feeling is more painful, because the broad layer and the bottom layer are injured. At this level, the tongue can blister because of blisters, swelling and redness on the tongue you will also experience
  • Third level: at this level, burns affect the tongue's deepest tissue. The effect can be in the form of skin color to white or black like burning skin. Your tongue will also experience numbness and severe pain

The pain caused can interfere with your activities such as sleeping, eating, and talking. You can use an alias painkiller pain killers to relieve the pain caused. However, you can also try the following ways to deal with burning tongue so that the pain subsides:

1. Give something cold

You can also give ice cubes. According to Hadie Rifai, DDS, dentists at the Cleveland Clinic who are quoted by Everyday Health, emitting ice cubes can also relieve hot tongue sensations. You can also eat other cold foods. Choose foods that are easily swallowed like ice cream or frozen yogurt, besides being easy to swallow, these foods are also easy to find. Eating swallowed foods is needed to give your tongue time to make it easier to heal. You can let the cold food sit for a few minutes in the mouth, so there is no swelling on your tongue.

2. Drinking water

Drinking cold water is the first thing you can do to neutralize the heat. When the tongue burns after eating and hot drinks, the tongue will feel dry because the mouth loses its moisture. Not infrequently dryness causes the tongue to feel sore and canker sores can appear if someone has second-degree burns. Keeping your mouth moist can reduce the pain. You can drink it when the mouth feels dry, you should not even wait for your mouth to feel sore and dry.

Eating hot food can also make your palate dry, this can cause dry mouth and cause sore throats. Increasing drinking can reduce the risk of this sore throat.

3. Gargle with salt water

According to The U.S. National Library of Medicine, gargling with salt can reduce pain. Brine is an isotonic solution, if used gargling will not irritate the mucous membrane - the membrane that lines several organs including the mouth. Salt water is recommended because this method of healing is very mild. You can prepare one glass of cold water, then add one teaspoon of salt, then mix. Not around for 30 seconds. If possible, let the salt granules coat your tongue. Not only cure, salt will also clean the blisters on your tongue.

4. Avoid some foods

You should also avoid some foods during the healing period of the tongue, such as spicy foods. Spicy foods can cause inflammation of your sore tongue, causing more severe pain and the healing process can be delayed. Capsaicin which is contained in spicy foods can irritate your injured skin. In addition, you need to avoid coffee and hot tea, because it can add blisters to your mouth, said the American Academy of Family Physicians quoted by Livestrong. In addition, you should also avoid eating acidic foods such as oranges, lime, lemon, pineapple, tomatoes and vinegar.

5. Medicine

You can take several painkillers. According to Steve Krendl, DDS, from Hopewell Dental Care in New Jersey, ibuprofen and acetaminofen are safe to consume when the tongue burns. Both can relieve pain and inflammation.

6. Honey and milk

You can also drink milk, because coating the tongue with milk can relieve a burning sensation, as well as honey. Honey can improve blood circulation in the mouth to cure hot tongue. You can also increase your intake of foods that are rich in iron such as spinach, meat, dried fruit and others. Iron can produce red blood cells, which can replace damaged tongue cells.


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Hot Tongue Due to Food Too Hot? Here's how to deal with it
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