In order for the armpit to not be easily wet, try these 5 easy and simple tips


Medical Video: Dermatology Treatments : How to Stop Bad Underarm Sweating

After doing strenuous activities, exercising, or chasing trains and buses to the office on a scorching morning, your sweat can easily pour out great. Especially in the armpits that are most prone to wetness. If you have this, you certainly feel uncomfortable, right? Now there is no need to worry, because you can, really, minimize this wet armpit. Curious how? The following is a more complete review.

An easy way to prevent wet underarms

Excessive sweating is annoying. In addition because it will make the hair look limp, the whole body including the armpits as if participating bathed in sweat water. In order to remain confident in the hot sun without fear of excessive wet armpits, you can cheat on the following tips:

1. Use antiperspirants

use deodorant every day

You may be more familiar with the term deodorant as an underarm fragrance product. Though besides deodorant, there are still antiperspirants that can also help keep the body fresh despite sweating a lot.

However, both have quite different functions. Deodorants are usually used to prevent body odor thanks to the fragrant effect, while antiperspirants are intended to stop sweat. If you really want to prevent wet armpits, you can stop using deodorants and switch to using antiperspirants.

Because, antiperspirants can kill bacteria that cause body odor while blocking the production of sweat from the sweat glands in the armpit, explained by Dr. Cynthia Barley, a skin specialist in the United States. Antiperspiran only works for a while, so you have to use it again later.

2. Drink water

Although often underestimated, in fact drinking enough water can help prevent wet underarms. This is because when the body gets the optimal amount of fluid, the body temperature will decrease and become colder.

Of course, this will help the sweat glands to produce sweat in a normal amount or not too much. Because the hot body will trigger sweat to cool the body's core temperature. The key, obey the advice to drink about two liters of water per day (eight glasses).

3. Shave underarm hair

pull out the armpit hair

The use of antiperspirants to reduce the production of excessive sweating will be more optimal if you routinely shave underarm hair. Not without reason, because all types of hair basically have natural moisture. That's why later, thick armpit hair can actually further aggravate your wet armpit.

Especially if you subscribe to body odor. Shaving armpit hair helps reduce this unpleasant odor. Even so, avoid using antiperspirants immediately after you shave underarm hair. It is recommended to give a time lag of several hours, because antiperspirant products can irritate newly shaved skin.

4. Wear cotton clothes

washing new clothes

Hobbies using tight clothes or those not made of cotton make the appearance look more attractive. On the other hand, it will also trigger the appearance of wet stains in the armpit of your shirt. The reason is that the body's sweat production cannot be absorbed properly by the clothing material.

The solution, try using clothes from cotton with a rather loose size. This choice will make it easier for the body, including the armpit, to breathe freely and reduce body temperature quickly. Indirectly, this method will prevent wet armpits from staining your clothes.

5. Avoid some foods that trigger sweat

salt must not be cooked

Believe it or not, the food you eat every day can actually affect the amount of your sweat production. Yes, because there are several foods that can stimulate the body to produce large amounts of sweat. Take for example, the digestive system will work harder when you eat too much low-fiber food. Or most foods that are high in salt can trigger excess production of sweat and urine.

Not only that, processed foods, high-fat foods, spicy foods, solid foods, all kinds of onions, beer, and caffeinated drinks also have the same contribution as the cause of wet underarms. Instead, you can increase the consumption of foods and drinks that play a role in calming too active sweat glands.

One that you can strive for is by increasing the intake of food or drinks that do not overload the digestive system. For example water, green tea, almonds, bananas, wheat, sweet potatoes, vegetables, fruits, and high calcium foods such as milk and cheese.

In order for the armpit to not be easily wet, try these 5 easy and simple tips
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