Is it true that you drink herbs mixed with effective ginger and turmeric to treat flu?


Medical Video: Alternative Medicine Herbal Remedies : Cold & Flu Home Remedies

Flu is a disease that is easily transmitted, but easily treated. In addition to flu drugs that can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy or shop, the advice of the ancestors recommends you treat flu with a concoction of turmeric and ginger herbs. However, is it true that natural flu drugs are effective?

How effective is the herb ginger and turmeric as a natural cold medicine?

The combination of turmeric and ginger can actually strengthen the body's immune system from various diseases, including flu and cold cough. Neka Pasquale, a certified nutritionist from China, revealed that turmeric has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties that can be used as natural flu drugs, as reported by Men's Journal.

This is based on a study published in Emerging Infectious Diseases in 2009 that turmeric can reduce 90 percent of the ability of the influenza virus to duplicate infected cells.

Just like turmeric, ginger also has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger contains a compound called gingerol which is believed to be responsible for healing flu.

When you drink ginger water, you will usually feel a warm sensation in your throat. Well, this is the effect of the content of the gingerol compound on ginger. This warm feeling from ginger can help relieve your throat and relieve nausea.

The effects of increasing the body's resistance from the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger and turmeric tend to be the same as when you drink carrot juice mixed with vitamin C and vitamin A, two types of vitamins that can help ward off disease.

How do you make the right ginger and turmeric concoctions?

the benefits of sour turmeric

To make natural flu medicines from ginger and turmeric, you don't just prepare these two ingredients. Yes, you need other natural ingredients so that the nutrients and benefits of natural herbs are more effective in dealing with flu.

The ingredients that you need to mix natural flu drugs are as follows:

  • 3 segments of ginger
  • 3 turmeric segments
  • ½ Orange fruit
  • 1 tbsp of apple vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • Black pepper to taste

First, clean ginger and turmeric from the skin, then wash thoroughly. Put all ingredients (except pepper) into a blender orfood processor and puree until it becomes a form of juice. Transfer to a glass, then sprinkle with black pepper to taste.

Why should you add extra black pepper? This is because black pepper serves to facilitate the absorption of the properties of ginger and turmeric. In addition, adding apple cider vinegar to herbal ingredients is useful for killing flu viruses so that you recover faster as usual.

Is it true that you drink herbs mixed with effective ginger and turmeric to treat flu?
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