Knowing Vaginal Cuff, Procedure for Tailoring the Vagina Back After Hysterectomy


Medical Video: Watch a robotic hysterectomy at UnityPoint Health - St. Luke's Hospital

Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the uterus and cervix, which is usually done to treat endometritis, cancer, or uterine prolapse (down peranakan). Usually, medical action will continue after hysterectomy is done, which is applying vaginal cuff. So, what exactly is vaginal cuff that? Why is it done after a hysterectomy? Check out the answer here.

What is that vaginal cuff after a hysterectomy?

Vaginal cuff is the upper part of the vagina that opens into the peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal wall) and is sewn shut after removal of the uterus and cervix during a hysterectomy. Vaginal cuff made by sewing the ends of the surgical site where the cervix is ​​attached to the vagina.

Usually making vaginal cuff will be done in total and radical hysterectomy. Total hysterectomy is the most common form of surgery, where the uterus and cervix are all removed.

While radical hysterectomy is a wider removal of the uterus compared to total hysterectomy by including surrounding tissue, including the fallopian tubes, upper vagina, ovary, lymph nodes, and fat tissue.

After a hysterectomy, the upper part of the vagina that opens or the cervix will be stitched together to close, this is what is called the vaginal cuff procedure.

What is expected from recovery vaginal cuff?

Recovery vaginal cuff it usually takes at least eight weeks, or sometimes it can take longer.

During the recovery time, you will do a routine check-up with your doctor. The doctor will monitor the progress of your condition and recommend steps to speed up recovery.

Your doctor may prescribe vaginal estrogen cream if you enter a postmenopouse period to help encourage faster tissue healing.

During the first 8-12 weeks after surgery, you must keep away from anything that will put pressure on the incision vaginal cuff, as:

  • No temporary sexual intercourse.
  • Maintain healthy bowel movements.
  • Control chronic cough.
  • Plenty of rest
  • Avoid lifting heavy loads.
  • Refrain from any heavy activity, especially if you put pressure on your lower abdomen, or pelvic area.

Doing so will make it vaginal cuff become stronger. This will also help you avoid torn areas where the ends of your vagina are stitched together.

is vaginal cuff after hysterectomy can it tear?

There is a possibility that the vaginal cuff is torn, but this rarely happens.

This happens if an incision is used to make the vaginal cuff open and cause the ends of the sutures to separate. The tear that occurs can be partially and also thoroughly.

If the tear is large or there are additional complications, this can result in the release of intestinal contents. When this happens, the intestine begins to push out the pelvic cavity through a tear wound into the vaginal cavity.

Tear vaginal cuff there is less than one percent of women who undergo a hysterectomy. Women who do total laparoscopic or robotic hysterectomy, are usually at greater risk than those who undergo vaginal or abdominal hysterectomy.

This may be due to the type of sewing or cutting technique used in each operation.

How to overcome a torn vaginal cuff?

Overcome tearing vaginal cuff done by surgery. If you have a partially or partially uncomplicated tear, surgery can be done through the vagina (transvaginal).

Some complications may require laparoscopic surgery, such as:

  • Peritonitis (infection of the lining of the abdominal wall)
  • Abscess
  • Hematoma
  • Discharge

Someone who needs this surgery is usually given intravenous antibiotic therapy to treat or prevent infection.

If you experience complications that affect the intestine's ability to function properly, you will remain in the hospital until your intestinal function returns to normal.

Your recovery time after total or radical hysterectomy will be at least two to three months. During this time, your doctor will emphasize the need to avoid sexual intercourse. You must be careful to avoid pressure or pressure on new wounds. You must avoid any activity, such as lifting heavy objects, who do it.

If you experience complications that affect the intestine's ability to function properly, you are advised to stay in hospital until your intestinal function returns to normal.

Knowing Vaginal Cuff, Procedure for Tailoring the Vagina Back After Hysterectomy
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