List of Foods to Raise Low Hb


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Hemoglobin or abbreviated Hb is a protein found in red blood cells. In this cell the oxygen that the body needs will be transported, with hemoglobin as its binding. Oxygen will then be delivered to every body cell that needs it. When your hemoglobin level is low, this important function will be very disturbed. Therefore, low hemoglobin must be addressed immediately. Food is one of the simplest ways to help raise a low Hb.

What is the low hemoglobin level?

A low Hb condition is diagnosed when a man has less than 13.5 g / dL of hemoglobin in the blood, or when a woman has less than 12 gr / dL of hemoglobin in the blood. This benchmark does not apply to pregnant women, because pregnant women have special conditions and have different benchmark values ​​in each trimester.

You can experience low Hb due to several causes, such as:

  • Iron deficiency anemia
  • Pregnant
  • Having disorders of the liver or kidneys
  • Having chronic disease
  • In some cases the underlying cause is unknown, there are no symptoms or indications

Normal hemoglobin levels should be:

  • For men, 13.5 to 17.5 g / dL
  • For women 12 to 15.5 g / dL

This normal Hb level can also vary depending on your age. In essence, the doctor will then read the results of the blood test and determine whether you lack Hb or not.

How do you increase low Hb from food?

1. Increase iron intake

To increase Hb low, increase the intake of foods that are rich in iron (Fe). Iron works to increase the production of hemoglobin, and also helps form more red blood cells. Foods that are rich in iron include:

  • Meat and fish
  • Viscera such as chicken or beef liver
  • Egg
  • Green vegetables like spinach
  • Nuts and seeds (examples of green beans, soybeans)
  • Broccoli

If necessary, iron is also now available as a supplement. Pay attention to the rules of use when using this supplement. In one day, an adult male is recommended to meet at least 13 mg of iron, while adult women from 19 to 49 years need at least 25 mg of iron per day.

2. Foods high in vitamin C and beta-carotene

vitamin c and zinc

So that the iron intake consumed can function optimally, you also need to maximize its absorption in the body. Iron intake from food or supplements alike must be optimally absorbed.

Every time you consume a source of iron, mix it with foods rich in vitamin C simultaneously. Vitamin C can help increase the amount of iron which will be absorbed by the body. Foods high in vitamin C, for example, oranges, strawberries, guava, papaya, kiwi, and other green vegetables.

In addition, vitamin A and beta-carotene can also help the body absorb more iron. Vitamin A is commonly found in animal food sources such as fish and liver. While beta carotene is found in red, yellow, and orange fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, tomatoes, peppers, and chili.

3. Foods that are high in folate

folate and folic acid what's the difference

Reporting from the Medical News Today page, folate is a type of B vitamin that has an important role in the production of hemoglobin in the body. The body uses folate to produce heme, an important component in hemoglobin.

If you lack folate, the maturation of red blood cells will be disrupted. This condition can cause folate deficiency anemia and low hemoglobin levels.

Good sources of folate are found in:

  • Beef
  • Spinach
  • Rice
  • Nuts
  • Peas
  • Red beans
  • Avocado
  • Lettuce
List of Foods to Raise Low Hb
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