List of options for asthma medicines according to your needs


Medical Video: Many Children With Asthma Use Their Inhalers Incorrectly, Leading To Serious Complications

Asthma is a chronic disease that attacks the respiratory tract. Usually, people who have asthma have to take a long treatment. In addition, there are many asthma medications needed to keep symptoms from recurring.

Although it is important to get treatment, many people with asthma do not know what the differences and functions of each drug and tool are given. For example, nebulizers, inhalers, and bronchodilators, which have not been widely understood.

Various asthma medications that must be known

Asthma occurs when the airways become inflamed to cause symptoms of difficulty breathing due to the increased amount of mucus, swelling, and airway constriction. So, the treatment of asthma actually aims to prevent inflammation from happening and prevent the airways from narrowing.

Asthma medication is seen from its function

1. Anti-inflammatory drugs

This drug is given to prevent and overcome inflammation that occurs in the respiratory tract.

Usually, anti-inflammatory drugs will work by suppressing the amount of mucus so that it is not over-produced and reduces swelling.

That way, the air will be easier to get out and eventually reduce the symptoms of asthma suffered.

In addition there are also anti-inflammatory drugs called immunomodulators. This drug works by preventing an antibody response that causes asthma symptoms to occur and makes the canal part not too sensitive, so it does not experience narrowing.

2. Bronchodilators

In contrast to anti-inflammatory drugs, bronchodilators function to dilate the airways and relax the lungs and respiratory tract.

Some of the most commonly used bronchodilators are beta-antagonists, anticholinergics and theophylline.

relax breathing. Some of the most commonly used bronchodilators are beta-antagonists, anticholinergics and theophylline.

Asthma medication based on the time period

asthma and tuberculosis

Asthma is a chronic disease that requires a combination of treatments so that the symptoms do not recur frequently. Therefore, most people with asthma need a combination of drugs below.

1. Long-term medication

Medicines given in the long term, usually function to control symptoms so as not to recur.

Because it is given to prevent, these drugs must be taken or given every day even though there are no symptoms that relapse.

Examples of drugs given in the long term are:

  • corticosteroids in the form of inhalers
  • Theophylline
  • Long acting beta agonists (PROFIT)

2. Instant reliever

You should take this type of medicine anywhere, because it will be very helpful when the symptoms of asthma suddenly recur. When asthma recurs and you are unable to breathe, this type of drug will relax the muscles in the airways.

Drugs that include recurrent asthma relievers are:

  • Short acting beta agonists administered orally
  • Anikolinergik (ipratropium) given orally
  • Corticosteroid injections are given when asthma symptoms are severe

However, if you regularly take long-term medication given by your doctor and asthma symptoms rarely appear, then you don't really need this type of medication.

3. Allergy medicine

Allergies can cause asthma symptoms. Well, for those of you who have certain allergies, you should keep this medicine so that when allergies occur, asthma symptoms can be prevented.

Drugs that contain antihistamines and decongestants can usually be used to prevent allergic asthma symptoms.

What forms of asthma medication are available?

type of asthma inhaler

Not all asthma medications are given in oral form. Previously mentioned drugs such as bronchodilators or anti-inflammatory drugs may be given in several forms.

1. Inhaled medication

Inhalers or inhalers are usually in the form of small devices that are easy to carry anywhere. Generally, inhalers consist of two types, namely pressurized measured dose inhalers and dry powder inhalers.

In one inhaler, it may consist of one or two drugs, depending on the needs of each patient.

A little different from an inhaler, a nebulizer is a machine that converts liquid asthma drugs into steam. However, the use is still the same, namely by inhaling.

Nebulizers are usually used by babies, children, or people who have difficulty breathing with an inhaler.

2. Drinking medicine

Just like other drinking drugs in the form of syrup, tablets or pills. Corticosteroids are one of the drinking drugs that function to prevent inflammation from happening.

Meanwhile, theophylline is a drinking drug that must be consumed in the long term.

3. Injection drugs

Injection drugs are also sometimes given when asthma occurs due to allergies. The types of drugs given are immunomodulators which function to suppress antibodies.

Theophylline and corticosteroids are sometimes also given in the form of injectable drugs if the symptoms of asthma are severe enough.

List of options for asthma medicines according to your needs
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