Need to Pay Attention to the Glycemic Index of Foods Even Without Diabetes? This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.


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It is common knowledge that diabetics should avoid foods with high glycemic indexes, such as white rice, white bread, and sweet cakes. Because, these foods can make blood sugar rise faster and uncontrolled. So, what about people who don't have diabetes, do they have to pay attention to the glycemic index of food too, or can they eat freely as much as they want? Find out through the following reviews.

What is the glycemic index?

Know the Glycemic Index in Food

All foods and drinks that enter your stomach will affect blood sugar levels. Because, every food has a glycemic index that will determine the rise and fall of your blood sugar.

The glycemic index is a value that shows how fast your body converts carbohydrates into blood sugar. Each type of food and beverage has a different glycemic index value. The higher the glycemic index of food, the carbohydrates will be more quickly converted to blood sugar. As a result, blood sugar levels in the body will also rise faster.

That is why diabetics must avoid foods with a high glycemic index. Yes, the goal is to keep diabetic blood sugar stable from day to day. Because if allowed to continue to rise, this disease can affect other organs and trigger diabetes complications.

I am not diabetic, should I pay attention to the glycemic index of food?

low glycemic index

Having diabetes makes you have to be picky about foods that are safe for blood sugar. For example, you should be willing to replace white rice with potatoes that have a low glycemic index, so that your blood sugar doesn't rise quickly.

So what about people who don't have diabetes problems? Do you have to go along with watching the food index or can you choose food freely?

Reporting from Healthline, the glycemic index of food is not only important for diabetics, but also for healthy people - aka not having diabetes. In fact, this also applies to those of you who are trying to lose weight to choose foods with a low glycemic index.

When you eat foods with a high glycemic index, food will be digested faster and absorbed. As a result, the stomach will empty faster and again arises hunger. This is what makes you want to eat more and end up on a diet program that is a total failure.

Not only that, high glycemic index foods will make blood sugar rise rapidly. Instead of making the body healthy, this can actually lead to obesity as well as diabetes.

Conversely, foods with a low glycemic index tend to be absorbed more slowly by the body. That is, the stomach will feel full longer and prevent you from eating. And most importantly, your blood sugar will not rise quickly.

The food glycemic index may be ignored, provided ...

eat white rice

A little contrast with the previous statement, Eckel, a professor from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, revealed that people who do not have diabetes may ignore the problem of the glycemic index of food. But with one note, make sure you eat foods that are good for your heart health.

Apparently, all foods that are good for the heart are also beneficial for other body functions, such as cholesterol, blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and weight. For example, soybeans are one of the foods that can nourish the heart while keeping blood sugar stable.

Yes, soybeans are one of the choices of healthy snacks that have a low glycemic index level. That is, this snack can last longer in the stomach so that it makes you full longer. Withsnackingbefore you snack on soybeans, you won't eat when you eat big later.

Need to Pay Attention to the Glycemic Index of Foods Even Without Diabetes? This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.
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