Not all eye drops are the same, here's how to choose them as needed


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When you complain of eye problems, surely the first thing you think about is using eye drops. Whether it's because of red eyes, dryness, itching or eye pain. However, when you go to a pharmacy or drug store, you will see a lot of types of eye drops lined up neatly on the shelf with a choice of brands and prices offered.

Well, because of the many types of eye medication that are offered, you might be confused about which one is the best for your eye health care. Relax, know the tips for choosing eye drops according to eye symptoms and conditions in this article.

Which must be considered before choosing eye drops

Eye drops are liquids that are used to alleviate various eye problems, such as red eyes, dryness, allergies, or after eye surgery.

Well, the first thing to consider before buying a prescription eye drops at a drug store is a complaint about the condition of the eye you are experiencing right now. For example, do you feel itchy eyes due to allergies? Are the eyes red because they are often exposed to dust or smoke? Do the eyes feel dry from watching the computer screen for too long or fatigue? If you already know what you need, the next step is to choose the type of eye drops that are suitable for your condition.

But remember, eye drops are only recommended for temporary or short-term use. If you experience discomfort that does not improve, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

Determine the type of eye drops according to your needs

1. Dry eyes

Dry eyes are generally caused by staring at a computer screen for too long, being outdoors with windy conditions, dry air, the effects of eye surgery, or because of eye fatigue. Eye drops, commonly known as artificial tears, can provide a little relief for dry eyes in the short term. This eye drops works by adding a tear element to wet your dry eyes, making the eyes more moist.

You should avoid eye drops containing decongestants. Usually eye medications containing this substance are often advertised to treat red eyes and irritation. Decongestants can indeed reduce red eyes, but they can also worsen dry eye symptoms because they work by shrinking blood vessels.

2. Red eyes

Red eyes can be caused by fatigue, allergies or infections. Decongestant eye drops may overcome this. These drops work by shrinking blood vessels and making your eyes look whiter. Although in most mild cases red eyes can be overcome by using decongestant eye drops, but also pay attention if long-term use will potentially cause serious problems, such as dry eyes, irritation, dilated pupils and other side effects.

You also have to be careful, because the eyes can also become addicted to these eye drops. If it's addicted, this drug will force the eye to use more and more when the effect of the drug is gone. Therefore, do not often use this type of eye drops. If your eyes don't improve, consult a doctor immediately.

3. Itchy eyes due to allergies

Itchy eyes can be caused by allergies. Remember, rubbing your eyes is not the right solution because it will release more histamine which will only make the eyes more itchy. You can choose eye drops containing antihistamines. Antihistamine eye drops are specifically formulated to treat allergic itching. This drug works by reducing histamine in the eye tissue.

If the itching that you experience is severe and does not improve with an over-the-counter medication, you should immediately see an ophthalmologist.

4. Conjunctivitis and other infections

If you complain of red eyes accompanied by the appearance of fissured eyes and runny eyes, then the possible cause is infection or more precisely often referred to as conjunctivitis. Artificial tears can relieve temporary symptoms. But, generally bacterial conjunctivitis usually makes your eyes really red and sore, which is accompanied by the appearance of a thick and sticky liquid that requires antibiotic eye drops. If this is the case, then the medication used must be prescribed by a doctor.

Not all eye drops are the same, here's how to choose them as needed
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