Sparkling Water, Water, and Soda: What's the Difference, Sih?


Medical Video: Is Carbonated (Sparkling) Water Good or Bad for You?

Sparkling water is a drink that is offered in many restaurants or cafes. Many people wonder, what is the effect of drinking sparkling water? Is sparkling water good for health or just the opposite? See below.

Sparkling water is carbonated water

sparkling water is

Sparkling water is a variation of drinking water which is a clear liquid, colorless, odorless, and tasteless. Basically, sparkling water is naturally carbonated water, the bubble comes from the original spring or from a well with natural carbonation.

However, some manufacturers do carbonate even more by adding carbon dioxide in it, so the water will be more bubbly. Whereas soda water (soft drinks) still added with substances such as sodium bicarbonate, flavorings, or salt so that the taste is more delicious.

So is sparking water healthy? Well, this depends on the type of sparkling water you choose. There are various types of sparkling water issued by beverage manufacturers. Of course the types are additionally different and their contents.

The most healthy sparkling water is the type of sparkling mineral water. There is also sparkling water that has a taste and aroma, which is certainly more unhealthy.

Is sparkling water good for health?

a diet to drink water without eating

Reporting from the Healthline page, basically there is currently no evidence that carbonated water or sparkling water is a drink that is harmful to the body. Sparkling water is made without added sugar and flavorings, including drinks that are calorie free and tend to be safe to maintain weight. Interestingly, sparkling water has other benefits for the body.

According to the American Council on Exercise, quoted from the Verywell Health page, ordinary water given by this bubble can be drunk anytime. If you like it, please, it can be a choice with the water you usually drink.

The CDC, the disease prevention and control agency in the United States recommends pure sparkling water (without any additions) as a substitute for drinks such as soft drinks or other high-calorie drinks.

If you want to choose sparkling water, of course it's okay but you have to be more careful about reading the nutritional value. Because, you have to be able to distinguish sparkling water which is indeed filled with sweeteners and other additives with sparkling water which is really filled with carbon dioxide alone.

What are the benefits of sparkling water?

drink cold water

Increases swallowing ability

A study shows that sparkling water can increase the ability to swallow adults. In one study, 16 healthy people were asked to repeatedly swallow different fluids. When drinking sparkling water, there is evidence that this stimulates the work of the nerves responsible for swallowing so that the ability to swallow is better.

Increases satiety

Sparkling water is a type of beverage that can delay hunger, more than ordinary water. Sparkling water can help food stay longer in the stomach, so people feel their stomachs still feel full or full.

Therefore, sparkling water without sugar can be used as an alternative for people who want to suppress appetite or reduce their food portions.

Helps overcome constipation

One controlled study involved and examined 21 people with chronic digestive problems. After 15 days of being given sparkling water drinks, there are significant improvements in their digestive conditions.

In addition, in a study conducted in 2 weeks, involving 40 elderly people who suffered strokes, the average bowel movement frequency was 2 times more active in the group who drank sparkling water than those who drank plain water. The study participants also reported that the symptoms of constipation that appeared became lighter.

Sparkling Water, Water, and Soda: What's the Difference, Sih?
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