Stop the Fart that stinks with these 7 tricks


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Fart is the body's natural way to get rid of body waste in the form of gas. According to The American College of Gastroenterology, the average person experiences 10 to 20 times of fart a day. However, tnot all farts have sound and smell bad. Many factors cause foul smell, one of the most common is food. Removing farts that smell bad will certainly be very disturbing. The nose-piercing aroma can make you or those around you feel uncomfortable. For this reason, this article will discuss various ways to overcome and prevent foul smelling farts.

The cause of fart foul odor

Before finding out how to prevent foul odor, you need to know the various causes of the gas you are throwing out bad smell. Foul smelling is caused by the following things.

  • Food intolerance. This condition causes the body to not be able to break down the food which ultimately makes the food settles in the stomach and fermented by bacteria in the intestine. As a result, a smelly gas is formed inside the stomach before finally being released outside. Some people experience lactose and gluten intolerance (a protein usually contained in wheat).
  • Fiber-rich foods. The high-weight food group produces fart foul because of three things. First, high-fiber foods are digested more slowly so that the fermentation process is long enough and finally produces a smelling gas. The second is the natural smell of the food itself. Finally, the sulfur content in some types of food can produce unpleasant gas.
  • Constipation. When feces accumulate in the large intestine and are not also removed, odor-causing bacteria will continue to multiply so that the gas emitted is foul-smelling.
  • Bacteria and infections in the digestive tract. Infection-causing bacteria that attack the intestine and digestive tract can cause the gas volume in the stomach to become higher and have a strong odor.
  • Colon cancer. Polyps or tumors that form in the digestive tract can cause intestinal obstruction which results in a buildup of gas in the stomach.
  • Certain drugs. Certain types of drugs, one of which is antibioitic, cause imbalances in the digestive tract because they can kill some good bacteria.

Overcoming foul smelling

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To deal with and reduce odor fart, identify the cause of your farting odor based on various causes that have been described. After that, overcome by changing your diet or see a doctor if this condition is caused by certain diseases.

You also need to ask the doctor whether the medicines being consumed cause the gas to smell bad. If you feel you have intolerance to certain foods, avoid eating them. Then look at the changes, whether the gas you are removing still smells or not.

Also, consider taking drugs that can break bubbles in the gas and eliminate over-the-counter flatulence in the market such as simethicone, activated charcoal, and beano.

You can see a doctor if:

  • Have other symptoms besides foul smelling
  • Drug to overcome the smell of gas has no effect.
  • Changes in diet do not work to overcome fart that smells.

If you experience this, this odorless gas may be caused by infection and certain health problems that require further treatment.

How to prevent fart so that it does not stink

impact farting

The following are ways that can be done to prevent foul smell. Look carefully, huh.

  • Eat a little to keep digestion healthy.
  • Avoid or reduce trigger foods, which are foods that your body cannot digest.
  • Avoid natural-smelling foods such as onions and cauliflower.
  • Eat slowly so that not too much gas enters the stomach.
  • Drink plenty of water to remove waste and gas in the body.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks that can produce a lot of stomach gas.
  • Eat yogurt and other foods that contain probiotics to help restore good bacteria in the intestine so that it can improve your digestion.

If you have done various ways to prevent the stench from coming back, but there are still no changes, then consult your doctor to get a more accurate medical explanation about your current condition.

Stop the Fart that stinks with these 7 tricks
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