What are the more dangerous effects, eat spicy or sweet foods?


Medical Video: How Eating Spicy Food Affects Your Brain And Body | The Human Body

There are various kinds of food flavors, ranging from spicy, sweet, savory, sour, and others. Depends on what spices you use. For spicy food, you will definitely add more chili or pepper. While sweet foods, you will add sugar.

Among the two foods, which ones are more dangerous for their effects? Eat sweet foods or eat spicy food? Consider the following review.

The effect of eating spicy food on the body

According to fans of spicy food, it's not complete if you eat without chili, pepper, or chili sauce. You will definitely want to add chili, pepper, or even chili chunks to the food. In fact, when you eat spicy food, your lips will feel burning and your body will sweat more.

Eating spicy foods generally will cause heartburn, heartburn, and eventually require you to go back and forth to the bathroom due to indigestion. However, spicy food does not always have a bad effect, really. When you runny nose, chili which contains vitamin C and vitamin A helps the body to increase the immune system that can fight the flu.

The capsaicin content in chili is also able to boost the body's metabolism by increasing the heart rate and core temperature of the body. That is why you will get hot and sweat while eating spicy foods.

The effect of eating sweet foods on the body

sweet foods cause cavities

Not only spicy food, sweet foods are also very popular and popular with many people. Especially as a dessert or snack. Ranging from sweets, candied fruit, cakes, chocolate, donuts, and others must be one of the mainstay snack foods. However, there are also foods that do contain natural sugars, such as fruits.

Foods that contain sugar will usually be useful for the body as energy. Reporting from Health, Susan Bowerman, BD, an assistant at Human Nutrition at the UCLA Center revealed that sweet foods have a texture and aroma that can make someone smile, can even increase one's appetite.

That's why sweet foods can improve one's mood. Unfortunately, eating too often foods that contain additional sweeteners can cause weight gain and cavities.

Which danger is more, eating spicy or sweet food?

spicy food can cause temporary deafness

Whether sweet foods or spicy foods are actually okay for you to consume. As long as it's not too often and not too much. Both of them have adverse effects on health. Instead you compare the two; which are more dangerous effects on the body, of course you prefer to live a healthy and balanced life, right? So, limiting both types of food is the best step if you want to continue to live healthy.

Too often eating spicy can have a bad effect on the digestive system; causes stomach upset and diarrhea. In fact, it can aggravate the symptoms of gastric acid reflux (GERD). This effect can appear several hours after you eat spicy food.

While sugary food, the effect arises in the long term. You can experience tooth decay because the sugar that comes in contact with plaque can produce citric acid which triggers erosion of the teeth. In the long run, consuming too much sweet foods and fatty foods can increase the risk of diabetes, which is characterized by high blood sugar levels.

What are the more dangerous effects, eat spicy or sweet foods?
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