Cashless vs Reimburse Insurance Claims, What's the Difference?


Medical Video: Difference Between Medical Reimbursement And Medical Claim

The insurance claim system for reimbursement is divided into two methods, namely cashless (without cash) and reimburse. However, do you really understand the difference between the two?

Well if you are considering making the right health insurance, first read the following reviews.

What is the difference between insurance claims through the system cashless and reimburse?

Choosing the best health insurance is indeed not arbitrary and must be carefully thought out. That is why, you must know the ins and outs of the insurance system before deciding the best in your opinion.

Most insurance companies offer two types of methods for reimbursement (claims), that iscashless and reimburse. Actually, what is the difference between the two types of methods?

Insurance claim cashless can take care, reimburse using personal money first

Health Insurance

If you choose a cashless system insurance claim, all the costs you need when you are treated at a health center or hospital will be paid directly by the insurance. You don't need to spend a penny. But if the medical expenses outside the insurance coverage limit, you have to pay the rest.

Meanwhile, claims with a reimburse system require you to take care of and pay for all medical expenses in advance with personal money. After all treatment is complete, you can claim a reimbursement to the insurer.

Almost the same as insurance with the system cashless, reimburse also has a cost limit that can be replaced. When the total cost of treatment you receive is beyond the responsibility of the insurance company, the excess costs cannot be replaced.

With the system cashlessthe hospital will take care of your claim

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Using health insurance with a cashless claim system will make it much easier for you. Because, you do not need to make any claims to the insurance. Your place of treatment is the one who will pay for your treatment for insurance. But first you need to show your insurance card to the hospital staff before starting treatment.

Well, if for insurance claims with the system reimburseYou alone will take care of all the procedures needed to get reimbursement from your insurance company. To do this, you need to include all documents relating to the administration of health care that have been carried out, including the name of the patient and place of treatment; health check records; administrative costs; up to health care costs, as proof of your treatment. Only then can you get a replacement fee.

Different coverage of medical treatment

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Apart from having differences in the way of payment and claim submission, these two insurance also have coverage of treatment facilities. Not all health care facilities (hospitals, clinics, health centers, etc.) accept insurance payments with a claim systemcashless.

In contrast, almost all health facilities in Indonesia facilitate payment of insurance claims reimburse. This is because payment of fees can be done in advance, so it is actually like paying for treatment with personal money. Only, after that, you certainly need to make a claim for reimbursement when the treatment is complete.

For that, you must be more observant in choosing a destination for treatment that is suitable for your type of insurance.

So, which one should you choose?

Basically, the various types of health insurance claims that exist today have the same commitment to protect yourself and your family's health.

Apart from the weaknesses and strengths of each, the final choice is in your hands to determine yourself according to the needs and financial capacity that you have.

Cashless vs Reimburse Insurance Claims, What's the Difference?
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