Note, this is the difference between each type of health insurance


Medical Video: Health Insurance 101: Types of Plans (Health Insurance 2/3)

Health insurance can make it easier for you to prepare medical expenses later. Even though everyone does not want to get sick, there's nothing wrong with keeping health insurance. The sick came no one knew, so preparation was needed. Before you choose what insurance you want to have, first identify the following types of health insurance.

Various types of health insurance

Health insurance is divided into various types based on the following.

1. Organizing body ownership

  • Government health insurance, namely health insurance managed by the government, such as BPJS Kesehatan or Kartu Sehat Indonesia.
  • Private health insurance, namely health insurance managed by a private entity.

2. Types of care

  • Inpatient health insurance (in-patient treatment). Health insurance that covers care for patients who will stay in the hospital or hospitalization.
  • Outpatient health insurance (out-patient treatment). Health insurance that covers patient care in the form of medical services such as diagnosis, laboratory checks, treatment, rehabilitation, and other health services that do not require patients to stay (hospitalization) in the hospital.

3. Participation

  • Required. You are required to make insurance purchases and payments and follow certain rules. For example, you are an employee who must buy an insurance policy in accordance with the rules in the company or organization where he works.
  • Volunteer. You can freely choose insurance according to your wants and needs, without being bound by a company or organization rule.

4. Costs incurred

  • Total liability This type of health insurance will cover all types of health services, whether treatment, recovery, prevention (eg early detection of disease or health checks), and inpatient and outpatient care. Insurance claims will be adjusted to those stated in the insurance policy.
  • Only high dependents.This type of health insurance is where the insurance company will only bear a relatively large fee and will not cover the costs of small outpatient care such as examinations, diagnosis, treatment, and others.

5. Parties borne

  • Personal. This insurance will only cover the costs or provide health protection to only one person or personal, according to the conditions applicable in the insurance policy.
  • Group. This insurance will provide health protection to certain groups, such as family members or companies of the same age as the policy terms and conditions (usually calculated based on the number of employees or family members who become dependents).

6. How to claim insurance

  • Reimbursement, this type of health insurance requires you as the owner of health insurance to cover medical expenses from personal money first, then the fee will be reported to the health insurance company to be replaced by attaching proof of payment.
  • Cashless,this type of health insurance is widely used. Insurance claimcashless only need to show the insurance member card to the hospital where you are treated, to pay for medical expenses in accordance with the conditions agreed upon by all parties.
Note, this is the difference between each type of health insurance
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