3 Important Steps in Shaving a Beard and Mustache


Medical Video: How to Shave - Shaving Tips for Men | Gillette

Basically, the method of shaving is relatively easy and fast. Only by moving the razor across the face until fine hair on the face disappears.

A smooth, well-maintained face gives the impression that you are a responsible person - the reason why you should not miss shaving, especially in important moments, such as job interviews or coming to weddings.

Learn safe and effective shaving methods to avoid uneven results, as well as not to hurt you.

Step 1: Preparation

Many people tend to skip this step and choose to shave immediately. In fact, shaving when dry skin conditions can cause redness, rash, or ingrown hair.

Shaving preparations include washing face with warm water to remove dirt, open pores, and soften fine hair.

Do a shave after a shower or facial scrub, or apply it pre-shave oil before you start shaving. For those of you who have a heavy beard or sensitive skin, pre-shave oil helps you to relax your strands and moisturize your skin so that the razor blades run smoothly.

Always use a quality shaving cream. Choose a glycerin-based shaving cream product and don't use any shaving products that contain menthol, which can close the pore and harden the hair shaft.

When applying a shaving cream, let it sit for 2-3 minutes to soften the hair. In addition, instead of using your hands to apply cream, use a kabuki brush with natural feathers. The kabuki brush functions to push the cream to after every hair to absorb it faster, thus facilitating your shaving process.

Step 2: Shave

The key to the results of a clean and smooth shaving is the quality of your razor.

Quoted from webMD.comit doesn't matter whether your razor has one or two pairs of blades. Both work well together, but the most important is the sharpness of the knife.

Start the shaving process from the area of ​​both ears, then go down to the cheeks, mouth and chin.

Using your free hand, hold and stretch the face area to be shaved. Start shaving with a short, dragging motion in the direction of the hair growth path. Rinse the razor and repeat using the shaving cream every time you repeat the shaving.

If you want a really smooth shaving result, apply the shaving cream again and this time, move the razor slowly in the opposite direction to the hair growth path. But understand the risks: You will be more susceptible to iris wounds, infections, or new hair that is ingrown

Do not press the razor too hard when shaving. Tip: if you feel that the razor is dragging the skin too hard, the sign is that you have to replace the new razor.

Step 3: Protection

After shaving, always rinse the face with clean water to close the open pore again. In addition, cold water functions like a compress that helps reduce inflammation.

Then, apply a special shaving moisturizer (post-shave balm). However, choose products that do not contain alcohol. Alcohol will actually dry the skin. A good shaving moisturizer should encourage the recovery process faster and moisturize your skin.


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3 Important Steps in Shaving a Beard and Mustache
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