4 Causes of Your Beard Grow Uneven (and How to Overcome It)


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Got a beard, a mustache, and dense sideburns that were a dream for some men. Inevitably, a beard and mustache can be an attraction in itself. However, growing a beard is not as easy as you think. Many men complain of beards and sideburns growing unevenly. Either because it only grows on the side of a particular face or because the beard becomes bald in some parts.

What are the causes of an uneven beard and how to work around this? Check out the answer below!

Causes of uneven beards

Just like the hair that grows on your head, each person's beard and sideburns are different types and characteristics. Some grow thick, some are very thin or don't even grow beards at all. This is caused by genetic or hereditary influences.

For example, men in your family do tend to be heavy bearded. You have a greater chance of growing a beard. If your beard is uneven, there may be some in your family whose beards are also uneven.

But besides genetic factors, there are several other reasons why your beard grows unevenly. Here are four possibilities and ways to overcome them.

1. Still in puberty

New beards, mustaches and sideburns will begin to grow when someone enters puberty. In these times, facial hair growth is not perfect and neatly formed. This is why teenagers generally have uneven mustaches, sideburns and beards.

Take it easy, usually a new beard and mustache pattern will look clearer and neater when you enter the late teens or early 20s. In addition to heredity, hormonal factors also play an important role in the formation of the pattern and stretch of your beard. Men who have high testosterone levels tend to have thicker beards and mustaches. While those of you who have low testosterone levels may find it difficult to grow a beard evenly.

2. Fungal infections (ringworm)

Note that your beard grows unevenly in certain areas or certain bald circles appear in the area around the chin and jaw. You may have an infection caused by fungus, or better known as ringworm. The bald area may also appear reddish, like pimples or boils.

Doctors will usually give antifungal drugs in the form of pills that must be spent within four to twelve weeks. You may also be given a special shampoo that can treat fungal infections.

3. Shaving an uneven beard

Shaving a beard basically won't affect the thick beard that grows. However, you might be less tidy when shaving a beard. For example, there are parts that you don't shave evenly like the others, especially in the folds of your chin. When the beard grows again, the part that you don't shave completely will become more dense. Other beard parts such as under the chin will look bald or thinner.

So, make sure you always shave your beard, sideburns, and mustache with a sharp razor. In the chin fold, shave towards the growth of your beard. If you want to form a beard, wait until all the parts grow quite thick and even.

4. Alopecia (baldness)

If a bald area suddenly appears on your beard, you may have alopecia or baldness. This condition can also attack the beard and sideburns, not just the scalp. Baldness that appears usually appears healthy, not injured or reddish.

Until now, the causes of alopecia are still being studied by experts. However, alopecia is strongly suspected of being caused by an immune system (immune system). In some cases, the bald beard will grow back to normal without treatment. You can also request special medications to stimulate hair growth in your doctor.

4 Causes of Your Beard Grow Uneven (and How to Overcome It)
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