10 Easy Ways to Drop Weight Without Exercise


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Are you currently undergoing a weight loss program? Do you regularly schedule for sports? If yes, do you succeed? Sometimes we have tried hard to lose weight, like doing cardio routines, but to lose 1 kg it feels difficult. Naturally, if many people are looking for various ways to lose weight without exercise.

Even though we feel the energy has been drained, why doesn't the scale go down? If there are ways to lose weight without exercise, you definitely want to try it, right? Exercise is time consuming, not to mention daily activities that make you tired. Commitment to regular exercise becomes vanished. Then, are there other solutions for losing weight?

How to lose weight without exercise?

Indeed, your weight will not necessarily experience a drastic decline. However, for those of you who don't have time to exercise, the following ways can be done to lose weight:

1. Chew food slowly

food so that the injury heals quickly

The brain needs time to process what we will do. Likewise when eating, the brain must process that we are full enough to stop eating. Chewing on eating slowly, feeling the taste of the food, then swallowing it can make us realize that we are eating. You may often not really be aware when you are eating because the brain wanders thinking about work, school assignments, assignments at home, and much more. So, the brain does not have time to process that we are full.

Chewing food can slowly increase satiety, besides that food can also be digested properly by enzymes in the mouth. The calories that enter are even smaller. A review of 23 research observations cited by the Nutrition Authority, found that fast eaters were easier to gain weight, compared to casual eaters.

2. Use a small plate

use a small plate

Food plates or containers vary in size. Provide small dishes at home or anywhere. When you buy unhealthy food, use the small size plate. This can be a trick for your brain. Small plates can make food look bigger, the brain will catch it like that. If you use a small plate, the portion of unhealthy food becomes even smaller. You can also do the opposite trick on healthy food, put the food on a larger plate.

3. Eat lots of protein

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Protein has a function to increase the feeling of fullness, so that it can help you to eat fewer calories. The hormone ghrelin - a hormone that stimulates satiety - and GLP-1 can be stimulated by protein.

Based on research cited by Authority Nutrition, participants were helped to eat 441 fewer calories per day and could lose about 4 kg in 12 weeks, without limiting anything, only by increasing protein intake from 15% to 30%.

You can get protein from eggs as a breakfast menu. Eating eggs at breakfast is believed to help put in a smaller calorie intake for lunch, even throughout the day and for the next 36 hours. Protein can also be found in chicken breast, fish, Greek yogurt, and almonds.

4. Don't put unhealthy food in the visible place

food coloring allergies

Putting food or snacks that are not healthy in a visible place can make you tempted to eat them again and again. Impregnating the unhealthy can also increase weight.

Often, we put foods that are high in calories in an open place, easy to reach, and have more space than places to put fruit. If you belong to this group, you should start changing the way now.

5. Expand foods containing fiber

high-fiber foods for diabetes

An effective way to lose weight is to multiply eating fiber. Foods that are rich in fiber help you to feel full for a long time. One type of fiber, namely thick fiber, can form a gel when it comes in contact with water. This gel will increase the time to absorb nutrients and slow digestion, so that the stomach does not empty quickly.

You can find this thick fiber in whole grain cereals, vegetables, fruits, nuts and flaxseeds. In addition, you can also get it on glucomannan supplements.

6. Drink more water more often

drink too much water

Another way to lose weight without exercise is to drink water before eating. This can make you eat fewer calories. Dehydration can also trigger hunger, because when dehydrated, brain confusion captures body signals, which translates into hunger.

Drinking about 0.5 liters of water half an hour before eating, can reduce hunger. Participants from the study who did this method lost about 44% in 12 weeks compared to those who did not. Try to consume water, avoid sweet drinks.

7. Change the portion of food to be less

meal portion

Initially it will be difficult. But when you succeed, you will get used to the small portion. If you are accustomed to large portions, you will be encouraged to eat a larger portion when hungry. Large portions of food will also pose a risk of obesity.

8. Avoid eating while doing other things

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As explained above, when eating, you should not think of other things or do other work. Avoid eating while watching television or working at a computer. People who are distracted while eating, can eat about 25% more calories than those who are not distracted.

9. Maintain sleep patterns and avoid stress

weird thing to sleep

When you lack sleep, the hormone leptin (a hormone that stimulates hunger) and the hormone ghrelin becomes disrupted. Meanwhile, stress can increase the production of the hormone cortisol, this hormone can interfere with the work of other hormones. If these hormones are disturbed, hunger and cravings will increase.

10. Actively moving

the benefits of going up stairs

Who says burning calories is just exercise? How to lose weight without exercise does not mean you can not move at all. You can burn calories just by cleaning the house, taking your dog for a walk, even climbing the stairs. According to sports physiology and personal trainers in Northem, California, which was quoted by Prevention.com, "Turn on the music, add a burning spirit, and enjoy your movements."

You can also go buy food or your own needs, without asking someone for help. Carrying your groceries can be a mild exercise that burns calories without you even knowing it. If you have to go to the toilet, choose a toilet that is a little far away, even by choosing parking lots and places to eat.

Likewise, when you have to go to the top floor closest to a building, maybe you can use stairs as an alternative to the elevator.

10 Easy Ways to Drop Weight Without Exercise
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