4 Popular Diets That Turn Out Failure to Make Weight Loss


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Many women crave the ideal body. Because, having an ideal body weight can make someone more confident. To achieve this, not a few women do a variety of diets. Moreover, at this time there are various diets that are said to make you lose weight quickly. But apparently not all famous diets are effective in losing weight.

Don't do these 4 diets if you want to get the ideal body

1. Detox diet

The main principle of a detox diet is to get rid of certain types of food with the aim of removing poisons that are formed from the environment, diet and lifestyle. Reporting from Huffingtonpost, actually the body has been designed naturally to cleanse poisons and chemicals that have the potential to harm the body. The organs of the body such as the liver, kidneys, lungs and gastrointestinal tract do the job well.

Maybe in some cases a detox diet is applied because the organs that are responsible for antidotes don't work well. If this happens, it's best to ask a medical professional to find out the right treatment, and not a detox diet.

Detox diets are often dangerous because of their rigid nature - requiring avoiding various types of food - so this diet can be a health risk for children, adolescents, pregnant women, and parents who go on a detox diet.

Instead, you can consume various types of foods that are rich in nutrients, limiting junk food and processed food, as well as alcoholic beverages. In essence, if you take good care of your body, then no detox diet is needed.

2. The diet is very low in calories

Maybe many of you think that by applying a diet very low in calories, your weight will decrease faster. Even though in fact, consuming too few calories when losing weight is a mistake. Because, when you reduce calorie intake, the body catches "signals" as hunger. As a result the body begins to slow down the metabolism in order to save energy expenditure.

When available calories have started to run out, the body will destroy fat and muscle to be used as fuel. This can harm the body. In addition, muscle mass lost during a diet can also slow the body's ability to burn calories because muscles burn more calories than fat.

Therefore, experts state that a very low-calorie diet includes a diet that is not effective in long-term weight loss. Unless you add back food sources of protein and some healthy carbohydrates to get the right level of calories.

Actually it's fine if you want to reduce calories in your intake to lose weight. This is indeed one way to get the ideal body. However, make sure the calories you consume are not too little. First consult your problem with a nutritionist, making it easier for you to go on a diet.

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3. Diet by consuming only one or several foods

There are many diets that apply this principle, one of which is diet soup. This type of diet aims to reduce diet by consuming only one type of soup. Like corn soup, chicken soup, cabbage soup, carrot soup, and so on. But you should be vigilant with the lure of losing weight just by eating one or several types of food.

Reporting from the MD webpage, everyone needs to eat from various food sources to get all the nutrients the body needs. Because, the more varied your food will be, the more nutrients you get.

David Katz, MD author of the book The Flavor Point Diet from Yale University, arguing that this type of diet only works in the early days but will not last for a long time.

For example, you only eat corn soup. Usually you will only be eager to do this diet at the beginning of the diet only, soon after you start feeling bored eating the same food every day and want your favorite food. As a result you will return to eating behavior before going on a diet.

4. A very low fat diet

At a glance, a diet that is very low in fat can be effective for losing weight and maintaining a healthy body. But apparently some recent research states that this diet includes an ineffective diet.

How this diet causes a person to reduce animal fat and an increase in vegetable oil intake where there are several studies that state that vegetable oil intake can cause inflammation and an increased risk of heart disease.

Though fat is one of the nutrients that the body needs, so it must still be in your diet every day. It is true that limiting fatty foods can help you lose weight and get an ideal body.

But do not eat it at all. Instead of avoiding it, you can choose the type of fat in food. Choose good fats, such as unsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, such as those contained in avocados, nuts, and fish.

4 Popular Diets That Turn Out Failure to Make Weight Loss
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