Actually Eating Avocados Makes Fat Or Thin?


Medical Video: LIVE IT: Lose Weight with Avocados and Almonds

When you want to lose or gain weight, all types of food must be considered carefully. Maybe the food you have been consuming has made you fatter or thinner. Well, avocados are one type of food that is often touted as a diet food. However, you might also have heard that avocados can make fat. Then which one is right? Does the avocado make it fat or thin? Just look at the answers below.

Avocados to gain weight

Even though avocados are included in the fruit category, avocados are actually a good source of vegetable fat for consumption. Avocados also contain solid calories. According to nutritionists who are members of The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in the United States, those of you who want to gain weight need to add a source of solid calories every meal.

However, that does not mean you can eat foods that are rich in calories at random, for example junk food. Instead, choose a source of calories and fat that also contains many important nutrients your body needs. Avocados can be the right answer. The reason is, avocados are a source of vitamins A, B-6, and C. In addition, this exotic fruit is also rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and iron.

Avocados to lose weight

You may be hesitant to eat avocados if you are trying to reduce the number of scales. However, actually you do not need to worry about the fat content in avocados. This is because the type of fat in avocados is monounsaturated vegetable fat. This type of fat is called good fat because it is very easy to burn and convert into energy. Unlike saturated fat (saturated fat) which tends to settle in the body.

Because of the good fat content and solid calories, eating avocados can make you full longer. You also can control the desire to find a snack or eat again. This is certainly good if you want to lose weight.

However, experts agree that you have to be careful when eating foods that are high in unsaturated fat. Although it is indeed healthy, its benefits for dieting are clearly not as effective as low-fat foods.

So actually avocados make fat or thin?  

Avocados are an exotic fruit that is good for controlling body weight, both to reduce body weight or gain weight. The key lies in how you consume it.

If you want to increase the number of scales, you should add avocados to your daily menu. For example as snack in the afternoon. You can also replace unhealthy high-calorie foods such as fried with avocados. In the morning, you can drink avocado juice to increase energy and nutritional intake.

While if you want to reduce your body, don't overeat avocados. The reason is, just eating avocados won't be able to make skinny in an instant. Replace your lunch menu, for example fried rice, with avocado salad. You can also have breakfast with yogurt and avocado slices instead of eating chicken porridge or nasi uduk. Avoid for snacking with avocados because you can consciously increase your calorie and fat intake in a day. If you really want to snacking avocado, balanced with exercise and sufficient physical activity.


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Actually Eating Avocados Makes Fat Or Thin?
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