After Sport Eat What, Yes? 6 This Healthy Menu You Can Choose!


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Exercise triggers protein breakdown in the body, so after exercising the body becomes deprived of energy. To restore it, the body needs time and food as a support. What foods are recommended after exercise? Consider the following review.

Food helps normalize the body after exercise

After exercising, the muscle uses glycogen for fuel and the cells are damaged. To restore glycogen that has been used, regenerate muscle protein, and stimulate new muscle growth, eating nutritious foods helps the body to complete the process faster.

1. Foods rich in carbohydrates and protein

Reported by Men’s Fitness, Manuel Vilacorta, R.D., nutritionist and spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, said that carbohydrates and protein are two important things needed by the body after exercise, which is when the blood circulates properly.

Carbohydrates help the body maximize the synthesis of proteins and glycogen that have been used during exercise. While proteins containing amino acids help accelerate new muscle growth and repair muscle cells that are damaged during exercise. In order for insulin production to encourage glycogen synthesis more optimally, it is better to consume foods with protein and carbohydrate content simultaneously. However, keep in mind the comparison of the portions of both, which is about three to one. For example, foods containing 120 grams of carbohydrates with 40 grams of protein.

Some foods that contain carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, rice, fruit (pineapple, berries, bananas, and kiwi), oatmeal, or green vegetables. While foods that contain proteins such as eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, chicken, tuna, or salmon.

2. Foods that contain fat

Reporting from Healthline, fat helps increase muscle growth after exercising. Then, 45 percent of the energy in the body also comes from fat. Some foods and drinks that contain healthy fats are avocados, nuts, and cow's milk.

Combination food menu after exercise

Actually, you can directly consume fruits or other foods that have been mentioned before. However, these foods are better consumed together (combined) because the effect on the body is more maximal. After exercising you might not be able to make food that must be processed and cooked first. Here are some foods that you can easily make after exercising, such as:

type of yogurt

1. Fruit and bean yogurt

Combine yogurt, berries, bananas or kiwi and add almonds. This food menu can meet the carbohydrate and protein needs lost during exercise. In fact, just eating bananas helps you meet your carbohydrate needs.

2. Milk and bean cereals

Mix milk, your favorite cereal, and almonds. Without spending time, you can meet the carbohydrate and protein needs that are lost after exercising.

3. Fruit salad

A mixture of kiwi fruit and pineapple can be made easily. Besides being rich in vitamins, these fruits are easily digested and help break down amino acids and prevent inflammation that occurs in muscles. You can also add fruits that contain lots of water to keep your body hydrated, such as watermelon.

4. Oatmeal

The way to make it is quite practical. Mix the oats and milk in a bowl and stir until smooth. Then, cook over medium heat for a few minutes. Serve with berries or bananas.

5. Egg-filled bread

Eggs are rich in benefits and very easy to serve. For this menu, boil the eggs until cooked. Then, bake the bread, put the boiled eggs before, and add the avocado slices. You can replace avocados with other green vegetables and eggs can be replaced with pieces of chicken or tuna.

6. Meat bread

Cook minced meat, minced onion, soy sauce, pepper, tomato sauce, and salt for five or seven minutes. Stir until the color becomes browned. Serve with plain bread or burger bread. You can add green vegetables, such as lettuce and cucumber.

Besides food, you also need to pay attention to water intake during exercise. Water keeps the body hydrated and helps the body recover better after exercising.

After Sport Eat What, Yes? 6 This Healthy Menu You Can Choose!
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