Get to know the CICO Diet Trends, which are important when you enter and exit the same


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Currently there are many diet programs that claim that the diet is the best and fastest way to lose weight, one of them is the CICO diet (Calories In Calories Out). CICO diet does not need to choose food, which is important to note the number of calories in and out is enough. So, is it effective to go on a CICO diet? Come see the CICO diet in full below.

What is the CICO diet?

Reported on the Everyday Health page, basically, weight is indeed related to the number of calories in and out of the body. If the calories that come in are fewer than those that come out, then the weight will drop. Conversely, if there are more calories than those that come out, the weight scales will increase.

Well, that concept is the basis of the CICO diet. In the CICO diet, you can eat whatever you want as long as the calories in are no more than the number of calories you spend everyday.

So, whatever food or drink that is put into the body is not a problem, whether it's eating carbohydrates, fat, or protein alone, the important thing is that calories in and out must be the same. Proponents of the CICO diet argue that there are no guidelines for what to eat, as long as you can make fewer calories than you get out.

Is it effective for losing weight?

To run this diet, you need to calculate how many calories you eat and what types of exercise are the same as the calories spent.

For example, you eat fried rice this morning which has about 500 calories in calories. Well, you have to look for activities that can burn 500 calories. Of course this is difficult because it is complicated, complicated, and not necessarily you accurately calculate how many calories you eat.

Or you mistakenly estimate the calories burned from the exercise you do, your exercise may be too light and ultimately not produce anything.

If you can keep the calories in less you may lose weight. But indeed the success of this diet has not been scientifically proven.

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The CICO diet does not teach you how to choose good food

Unfortunately, the arrangement of eating with the CICO diet does not teach you how to choose good food. Even though the calories are the same, each food has different calorie qualities.

After all, all the calories that come in are not digested in the same way, so you can't even beat all the calories and only see the numbers from the calories.

For example, if too many calories from sugar (carbohydrates) are dangerous. Sugar makes a surge of insulin and then saves too much sugar in the blood as fat stored in the body. Foods that are only high in sugar also do not provide a filling effect, and this can make people overeat.

This is different if you choose vegetables and fruit, not only makes the calories in less, the nutritional content in it is very useful for the smooth metabolic processes in the body, so that the process of weight loss occurs more smoothly. Many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants that are important for overall body health.

What are the effects that can occur if you go on a CICO diet?

If the choice of eating is only based on foods that are being coveted without considering the nutritional content, then some of these things can happen. Even though you succeed in making fewer calories than you get out.

  • Lack of vitamins and minerals
  • You can lack protein
  • You can lack healthy fat
  • Excess carbohydrates
  • Energy shortage
  • Makes you hungry fast
  • Slows down the metabolic system
Get to know the CICO Diet Trends, which are important when you enter and exit the same
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